Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Enjoying the Fall Weather, Waiting for my Car

I have just dropped off my car at the mechanic and am now sitting at a cafe here in Ellerslie (a suburb of Auckland) waiting for it to be serviced and about to start my long overdue responses to many of your great e-mails! I am so sorry for the great delay!

As for yesterday, I never asked out the guy at the coffee shop, I got too nervous and chickened out! What a loser I am! I think I'm going to drive into the city once my car is done, however, and get right to asking him out then. I only have one night off this week and he's leaving NZ in 5 weeks so I don't have much time! I should've just done it yesterday. I can quit my job and move to the other side of the planet without my second thought but I can't ask out a guy who works at a coffee shop near my work and could be easily avoided for the rest of my life if he said no. Ha!

I am working tonight even though it's technically my day off. I have a short shift at Milse, the dessert restaurant next to Ortolana. They are part of Hipgroup as well. Although I will be missing out on one of my evenings off for this week, I am very happy that my boss was able to get me a shift there, even though it may only be 4 or 5 hours, as I really need the money to pay for my car1

Okay, I'm done blogging for right now. I have to start into my e-mail responses.

Oh, and a fun fact to note. Today, if at least 7 people look at my blog, I will surpass 10,000 blog views! That's quite a feat I'd say.

Okay, that's really all for now.


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