Thursday, May 8, 2014


Tonight I went for Italian for dinner at a great place her in Auckland, O'Sarracino. I've been to this place once before - a few weeks ago - and they took such great care of me I thought I should definitely go back again. Tonight, it was even better! I re-met the whole crew - Danilo (bartender/waiter - from Brazil), Gaetano (the previous owner and current executive chef - from Italy), Flavia (chef - from Brazil), Cindy (dishwasher - from Germany), Nadia and Mauricio (current owners - from Italy), and Bruce (a regular customer, grew up in NY, now lives in Auckland). They had me back in the kitchen a few times - to talk about what I wanted for dinner, and afterwards to chat with the chefs. I've only been there twice but I'm already a regular! I love the place, the service is superb as is the food! I think I'm going to make it my weekly Tuesday (first night off) haunt. If/When you come to Auckland, you have to check the place out. They made the top 50 restaurants in Auckland list - just like the place I work did - so you know it's good for that reason too, if you don't want to just listen to my opinion.

Anyways, nothing more for tonight. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to leave the city if possible. I don't really have the money for gas, but who ever has enough money?! I'll make it work one way or another. There's always more money to be made.

That's a lie, I do have something more. I'm switching gears a bit here:

Something I've started to realize about myself recently - I really prefer to do things alone. It's not that I don't like other people - as I do - but when I'm alone it always seems that so many more opportunities present themselves that the thought of being with other people just seems a burden. I like being free - totally free to do as I please at all times - go where I want, do what I want, meet other people I don't currently know. When I'm at work I always wish I had a boyfriend - there are so many people on dates at our restaurant having so much fun - but as soon as someone asks me out, or the opportunity to possibly be in a relationship presents itself I find it very unappealing. I don't want to be tied down to someone else. I don't want to feel obligated to spend my free time with someone else. I don't even really like making plans that far in advance anymore - I want to be able to change my mind at a moments notice. The idea of being committed to doing something, with someone, at a certain time, just really doesn't do it for me anymore. (With the obvious exception of work). I hope this doesn't last forever - as I'd still like to think that someday I'll get married, have a family, etc.... - but for now I just like being free.

Now a small part of me knows that if the perfect person presented themselves I think I'd take the opportunity and go for it - I haven't really been all the interested in many of the people (men) that have presented themselves recently in any serious way, but that's not to say that good people haven't come into my life. Maybe they just haven't been the right one? Anyways, it's just so weird to see myself changing, or see myself figuring out more about myself every day. Here in NZ, where I don't have a large social network, or any family, or any expectations, I can do as I please and it's really interesting to see what that really is. A few things I've learned:

- I like to be busy. Especially on the days I work I don't mind working 10 - 12 hour shifts, I actually enjoy it. I tend to waste the free time I have on my work days so I simply prefer to be working when possible.
- I enjoy the outdoors much more than I thought I did. On my days off I like to go out hiking, in the woods. I haven't been camping yet, and I'm not jumping to any crazy conclusions that I might enjoy that, but hiking, exploring in the woods (jungle) is quite appealing to me.
- I like my alone time, a lot. When I've got my days off I really enjoy spending them alone. This is for many reasons including I can do as I please, I get to meet all sorts of interesting people I wouldn't otherwise meet, and I get a break from all the socializing I do as part of my job. It's nice to have time off from chit-chat sometimes.
- I need a social job. Although I like my free time alone, I like my work time to be social. I need a job where I spend my time talking, interacting, and forming relationships with other people. I find this energize and I almost always leave work excited about all the amazing people I got to meet. It's just fabulous and something I will need in my work life forever, what ever my final job ends up being. Travel TV show where I get to meet people all day? Here I come!
- I am a rather private person - I like to be in control of my relationships and I don't like giving out my contact information when I don't want. I value my privacy and find it very unappealing when someone who I haven' given my phone number or e-mail to contacts me. Strange that I have a blog though, isn't it?
- I hate cleaning. I don't think this would necessarily surprise anyone but I haven't had any revelations here. I think I may end up living in an apartment building for the rest of my life and hiring a cleaner as I just find life to be too short to be worrying about fixing a dishwasher or raking the leaves or any other household chores.
- I like being in the city but I need an escape. I didn't grow up with a cabin but the idea of having somewhere to go outside the city - a retreat - for my days off work is something I am starting to really see the value in. As with my main residence, I wouldn't own a second home/cabin/bach if I had to spend tons of time maintaining it (again, I'd outsource these tasks) but I think if I could manage it financially this would be something that would make me very happy.

That's all I can think of right now as I'm not distracted by something I else I want to write about before I forget.

Today, as I was waiting for my Warrant of Fitness inspection I met a guy, Chris Jones, who works for the local TV station - TV3 - as a camera man. He's traveled all over America and the World filming big events like Hurricanes, Tsunamis, etc... I told him if they ever need an America girl to do parts for their TV show to let me know. Of course I'll never end up on TV in NZ but maybe one day I'll meet someone like this who'll give me my big break into actual television.

One of the customers at Ortolana checked out my blog and told me I should really get my own TV show (he also watched my videos). Maybe one day it'll happen! Wouldn't it just be fantastic?!?!

Okay, that's all for now.


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