Friday, May 2, 2014

Raglan Photos

Okay, so here are the photos to follow-up yesterdays blog post. No videos yet, I don't have time to take care of that before going to work today. 

The cool cemetery:

Isn't that just so beautiful?! Who wouldn't want to be buried there. I think the cemetery is all Maori people so my chances of being let in are probably about 0%. Lucky them!

Raglan surf beaches:

View point from behind my book at one of the surf spots in Raglan.

Looking down on the surfing area.

And looking out across the Tasman Sea.

My trusty old truck. Isn't it amazing where it's taken me so far? Just imagine what we're going to see together!

Some pretty clouds.

Switching gears for one minute. Here in NZ they use quotation marks in a very different way than I'm used to seeing them back home. We tend to use them to either directly quote someone or as a way of being sarcastic. Here I think they do it to add emphasis to words. Anyways, from an American point of view, would you get a haircut at this place? Probably not... And who is "Lucy" really?

Just a pretty hill overlooking the estuary in Raglan.

Bridal Veil Falls and the hike there:

As you walk down the path towards bridal veil falls you come across this sign, a bit scary isn't it?

Here's an example of the Maori language and the English equivalent.

Looking down from the top of Bridal Veil Falls.

The falls.

And the falls again.

And now from the bottom.

The open NZ road. I was going to hike that hill/mountain you can see there had I gotten to raglan on Tuesday and not Wednesday. At least now I have an activity for another day.

The sunset:

Surfing at sunset. Looks amazing, doesn't it?

Okay that's all for photos. Videos to come soon.


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