Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day

So I realize you are all coming off Memorial Day weekend in the states and I just want to talk to how different this memorial day is for me than the last one, and how important the last one was in changing the course of my life.

Last year, I spent Memorial Day weekend in Washington DC with my mother. We were there for maybe 5 days, visited the Capitol where we got a private tour from a creepy policeman, watched the 200,000 Harleys do their yearly ride along the Mall on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, saw President Obama speak at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, and I decided that I was going to quit my job and travel around America and the world. I bought my membership for the WWOOFing USA website and started researching and e-mailing farms about staying with them. When I thought about my trip back then, it was nothing like it looks today, but that weekend in DC was the start of the rest of my life. Amazing! And look where I am now, 1 year later, living in Auckland, New Zealand, working as a server, going into Winter (yuck!), just getting home from dinner with my NZ family. Although you only make little decisions/changes (or big decisions/changes) every day they can really add up over time! One big decision set me down this path, but many little decisions along the way have really influenced my journey and have brought me to this point right here today. Just incredible!

I wonder where I'll be next year on Memorial Day weekend.... Vietnam maybe? That's gonna be my official prediction. Well not my prediction per say (as I'm sure I won't be there) but if what my plan is as of this moment pans out as it's currently planned I'll likely be in SE Asia this time next year. That said, I'm sure I won't be in SE Asia at this time next year as lots of little and big decisions will have me on some drastically different path by that time. Maybe I'll be married with 2 kids - wait that's not possible. Maybe I'll be riding on the back of my boyfriend's motorcycle in Argentina. Maybe I'll be working at the best restaurant in Tokyo. Maybe I'll be milking goats in Romania. Who knows. But I do know one thing, the world is my oyster and I need to go see all I can.

That said, I have a big crush on one of the chef's at my work. I typically don't date people I work with as there's only 2 ways that can end - either well, or terribly - and it usually ends terribly. I did date the chef at the first restaurant I worked at here in Auckland for a couple of weeks but it wasn't a good idea. Good thing I left that place. Anyways, back to the chef at my current workplace. He's super good looking (in a tattoo, piercing kind of way), different from anyone I've ever dated (which is precisely who I should be dating on this trip), shy, tall. Anyways - I don't know what I should do about it. Should I go for it and risk a possibly awkward work situation? Or should I just let it be? The problem is, I'm probably not going to live in Auckland at all once I'm done at Ortolana so it's not like I can wait until I have a different job or something. As soon as I'm done with that job, I'm leaving Auckland to head south. I was thinking I could just leave him my number and then he could call me if he wants - or not call if he doesn't want. But what if he doesn't call - I could end up very disappointed and sad, or I could be fine. I guess I won't know unless I go for it. But I really just would hate if it was awkward at work because it didn't work out since I really like that job. Hmmmmm.... Okay, advice please! I would like to add a poll to this thing so you could vote and let me know what you think. How's this - leave a comment on this post and then I can see what you all think. Either say "Go for it!" if you think I should pursue my crush or say "Don't do it" if you think I shouldn't. Or you're welcome to respond with advice, other comments etc...

Okay, I'm going to watch a movie now and work on my scarf.



  1. Awkward situation. Don't do it. Just dream about it.

  2. Maybe try going out in a group setting to test the waters? Or wait until a little bit before you leave and then go for it as it can create an awkward situation if it doesn't go well... Miss you!!
