Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Not Dating

So I was going to ask Joe (the Cook Islands barista) out on Monday before work but I totally chicken out. So, Tuesday after I got my car back I decided I had to just go down there and ask him out. The worst that could happen is he'd say no and then I could easily avoid him for the rest of the time he's in NZ for which is only 5 more weeks. I simply would not go into his coffee shop - which I only do rarely anyways - and that would be that. So I went down there on Tuesday and I said to him "I want to ask you out for dinner". Lame, I know, right? I was so nervous!! Anyways, I told him I wanted to go out Wednesday night and he seemed a bit hesitant but said he'd make it work. I gave him my number and he said he'd text me later. I heard from him last night (Tuesday night) but we didn't get the details ironed out completely.

I texted him this morning to confirm and he told me he was double booked and couldn't make it and asked about a rain check. I was disappointed, although to his credit I only gave him about 32 hours warning. I did not respond to the raincheck question because I'm not sure I want to go out next week. I was really just hoping for a fun, spontaneous date, not something that is going to be planned well in advance. Really, I just don't want to have to text him daily for the next week. Plus, he's a terrible texter. I won't hear from him for hours at at time. I'm not sure if it's a game he's playing or if he's just really busy, but I can't be playing this whole texting game for a week - I just don't want something like that. Anyways, he sounds like he wants to go out again next week but I'm not being comital on that yet. As my colleague Julie and I agreed, I will keep it on the back burner as a plan b for next week but I'm not going to have it as my plan a. Too much anticipation, too much pressure, not enough spontaneous fun! Anyways, I'll let you know how it turns out...

At 7 pm tonight I went to look at a place to live closer into the city and for a cheaper price. It is in a 3 bedroom house with 3 other girls. There are currently 4 girls living there but one is going to travel for 4 months and thus needs someone to rent her room. I looked at that room which costs $210/week including utilities, so $50/week less than I'm currently spending. And, with it being closer to the city I will also save on transport with my daily costs going from $6.12 to $3.42. I can't wait! Plus, taxis home will be cheaper, I can go out more from work as I could actually walk the whole way home if I wanted to. I'm moving in at the end of June. I'll have to tell Kate soon, yikes. I don't think it will go over badly I just hate doing stuff like that anyways.

I went for my Italian meal tonight, as always, even without Joe and I ended up eating dinner with Bruce, the New Yorker I met there a few weeks back. He is a Tuesday night guy there and I usually go on Tuesday nights as well but this week we were both busy on Tuesday. We happened to both arrive about the same time and had dinner together. He talked the whole time - I'm sure none of you can believe that I did almost none of the talking during a 90 minute dinner! Anyways, the company was nice. He's an interesting guy. He's been here in NZ for 15 years and now refers to NZ as his county, not America. He left America as a social protest to many of the inequalities he saw there. He is going back to America in a few months to live for a bit and may be moving back there or may start an extreme version of the snow-bird lifestyle. Live in NY for the summer there and live in NZ for the summers here.

That's all I have for now but I guess some of it is big news - I asked a guy on a date and I found a new and cheaper place to live.


Oh, and I passed 10,000 page views! Thanks everyone for visiting my blog!

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