Thursday, May 15, 2014

Going Nowhere Waiting on My Car

I had yesterday off and I did nothing at all. Sat around the house all day watching TV and movies and knitting. My scarf is now long enough to cover maybe 1/3 of my neck. Maybe it'll be done by the time winter's over here. Haha, just kidding. Since I won't have money to go anywhere to do anything for the next few weeks I'm sure it'll be done soon.

Today I worked and got 10.75 hours. That means I'm up to 33.5 hours for this pay week already and I still have 2 working days left. It's so nice that I've been getting these longer shifts, especially since I'm so desperately in need of money now!

At work today I met a great girl, Francis, who's 24 and lives here in Auckland. She was in at Ortolana having lunch with her mother today. She works as a flight attendant for Quantas Airlines and is heading off to Rio tomorrow for vacation for 3 weeks. I gave her my phone number and she's going to call me when she's back in town to take me out, try to introduce me to a Kiwi guy, and turn me into a flight attendant! Haha. It was funny though because she told me I should be a flight attendant for Emirates Air and a few hours later I had a table of Emirates air flight attendants. That could be my ticket to living in Dubai for a bit. I'll consider it.

Anyways, that's all for today. I'm going bed now. Have to be up early as I'm hoping I can go out to Henderson tomorrow to get my car. My friend Tom will give me a ride and I'm going to buy him lunch. If I can't get it tomorrow I'm going to have to wait until Monday - yuck! Wish me luck please :)


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