Sunday, May 18, 2014

Working (and Working on getting a date)

Nothing exciting recently. Worked yesterday, worked today, working tomorrow.... Good money, not good for excitement. Except.... I have decided I am going to ask out a guy that works at the coffee shop near my work. I've met him a few times when I've gone in there and we always get to talking. I can't remember his name (terrible isn't it? I think it's John) but he's very good looking and has dreams and goals and ambitions that are actually quite cool. He's from the Cook Islands and one day hopes to be an ambassador for the cook islands to the world. I've wanted to ask him out for a few weeks but have been too much of a chicken. Today, however, he told me he's leaving NZ in a few weeks so now I have nothing to loose! Plus, there's no threat of commitment which is perfect for me since I'm enjoying my singleness. So tomorrow I'm going to go into work early and hopefully he'll be at the coffee shop. If all works out as planned I'll ask him to dinner on Wednesday and that'll be that. I'm going to have him join me at my favorite Italian place, O'Sarracinos. Wish me luck everyone!

Oh, and unrelated, here's a video of me explaining some of my car trouble from the other day if you've missed seeing my face and were wondering what I looked like around 1:00 pm on Friday morning.


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