Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Responses from Home

I really appreciate getting feedback on my blog from those of you back in America. I'm going to share a few I have gotten via e-mail with you guys, and hopefully this will encourage feedback from others of you.

The following feedback was in response to a post from last week, Reflections.

From my father:

Hey Belle, this is your Dad. It's late and I'm tired but I just read your blog. It's the best one yet. I miss you a lot, but I'm so glad you left. I have not seen you this happy or relaxed since you were a little girl. It makes me happy to know someone who has the courage to just get up one day and go find their life. That's a lot different than just living the life your given. Wherever or whenever home is, can be many different things. It can also be more than one place. When you talk about pressure and expectations you hit on a struggle every father has. "I just want you to be happy." ," I just want you to do your best.", "I just want to help you be successful." this is said directly and indirectly without even knowing it. All this from someone who isn't even sure what they are talking about. and we can't stop doing it. I'm sorry .     I envy your new shared team-work. As you know I have spent almost my entire work life on my own, it must feel good when everyone's clicking. And finely the money thing. Some of us never ask or even think, "how much is enough?' well, your Dad doesn't know. All I do know is " no matter what, I'll always love you."       Dad

From an old co-worker:

So I just wanted to let you know how much your last post made me think!! I have been looking at my life and thinking that something just isn't right...I'm just not happy as I think I should be! So I am going to work on that.

I was having coffee with my mom last night and I was telling her about the book you were reading for book club... The Happiness Project... yeah I went out and bought the book and started reading it last night. And my mom downloaded the book as well and we are reading it together. I thought... hey... you recommended the Lean In book and it was amazing so why not read this book!!! So my mom and I are reading this book together and it's amazing! I couldn't put it down last night! I just want to continue reading!

I hope all is well! Thanks for the new book! :)

Miss you!

It is so great to hear that what I am writing is resonating back home. I'm happy that as I am learning about myself, about life, about what I value, that these realizations may be useful to others as well. 

I'd love more feedback/comments/questions from others either as comments on the blog or via e-mail, Does what I say resonate with you? Does it not? Do you agree? Disagree? Maybe just want to say Hi from America?


Oh, and another thing my father told me a few months back I don't believe I ever shared but want to put into my blog so when I make this into a book I'll have this in there....

The following picture is my father's favorite picture of me ever:

He told me that when he looks at this photo he knows he succeeded as a father. How nice is that? I'm just happy my parents think they succeeded because I feel like the luckiest child to have such wonderful parents who have always supported me fully in every decision I've made. It's great to know that even though they miss me, they are happy I'm over here doing what I want to be doing, even though maybe I'm not doing what I "should" be doing, or what my $100K college education prepared me to do. Although I like to think that college was just a stepping stone on my path to my world tour - something I wouldn't have necessarily gotten to without all my experiences along the way. 

Okay, enough for tonight. It's 1am, I have the next two days off, I should get some rest so I can do something fun the next few days, or do nothing at all but still be well rested to enjoy doing nothing. 


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