Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The World Race

Tuesday morning we had breakfast with 2 wonderful American girls, one after the other, who are traveling the as part of The World Race.

We first met Rachel when I invited her to join us for breakfast. I immediately recognized her North American accent and it turns out she grew up in Wisconsin and attended University of Wisconsin – Madison. Rachel was happy to join us, was very friendly, and we started right in with our incessant questioning.

After graduating from Madison 7 years ago with a degree in English and religious studies, Rachel got a job working for a Christian magazine doing customer service work – answering phones, talking to people about the magazine, etc. Although this job was paying the bills, Rachel did not enjoy it. After a few years of working for this company Rachel was ready for a change. She decided to move to Georgia where she initially stayed with family friends, renting the granny flat on the lower level of their house. She got a job with an Internet marketing company and was able to put her degree to use and do something she was passionate about.

For 5 years Rachel poured all of her energy into her job where she was doing writing for company, something she loves. They were a start-up company and she really felt like she was doing something important. After 5 years, however, the company downsized and Rachel’s job was eliminated. She was very angry that they eliminated her position after all the time and energy she put into her work and the difference she was able to make for the company.

With this change in her situation Rachel took a week off from her life in Atlanta and went up to a cabin in the woods to try and figure out where to go from there. Rachel’s faith is very important to her and she spent the week praying and asking God to show her the way, where to go from here. During this week God made it clear to Rachel that she had been given the gift of time. In Rachel’s words, God showed her that “you have the time to do what you want to do.”

Upon returning to Atlanta Rachel started researching what she could do from this point forward. When she came to the homepage for The World Race she starting crying, she knew she had found what she needed to do. She immediately applied for the program, in February of 2014, and left America only 5 months later, in July. Rachel sold everything she owned, dropped her remaining items off at her parent’s place in Wisconsin, sold her car to her younger brother in Wisconsin, and had left her entire life behind in America.

Since July, Rachel has traveling to 4 countries in South America – Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia – as well as Japan and Malaysia here in Asia. She had been traveling in a group of 43 young adults from America, with one Canadian and one Costa Rican. The program brings them to 11 countries around the world where they spend 1 month in each place doing service project and spreading the word of God. The program costs $16,000 for each participant, which they must raise themselves through donations from friends, relatives, and anyone willing to donate.

Rachel mentioned that she comes from a “dysfunctional family.” I did not ask more on this – although I wish I would have. Her father was not very supportive of her decision to go on this trip, as he did not support the idea of her spreading “her western god” to people in other cultures. (I will be very honest here, I am glad she brought this up because this would be my reaction as well.) In talking about her father’s reaction she elaborated on this criticism of the program explaining that they work with Christian organizations that are already established in these communities. The people who use these organizations already know that they are Christian – they are not spread god’s word to anyone who is not already familiar with it.

With each organization they work with, in each community, they help by doing what every work the organization needs done. They do not come in with their own agenda – to teach English, or distribute food, or build houses – but rather fill in whatever gaps need to be filled in that community at that time. And most importantly, according to Rachel, they give the people who are currently working there a break. As Rachel explained, many of the organizations they have visited so far are short on staff, not short on money. At one orphanage they helped at there was a housemother who lived at the orphanage and was responsible for 13 kids during the overnight hours completely on her own. As volunteers there they were able to offer her time to rest and were able to assist her with her workload, making her life easier if only just for one month.

The first 6 months of the trip have made a large impact on the way Rachel thinks about international relief and humanitarian work. She had learned about what works (working with local organizations that are already well establishing in the community) and what doesn’t (large organizations coming in and trying to “fix” a community’s problem). She had learning that much different can be made by simply loving people. She sees the work that they are doing as “being light in a dark place.”

The trip has also changed Rachel as a person. She has learned to “go with the flow” and not plan so much for what is ahead. She enjoys greatly the work that they have done but does not see her life as being dedicated to long-term missionary work. As far as what Rachel will do when she returns to America – she hasn’t thought about it and doesn’t plan to until she is done with The World Race.

In addition to Rachel we also met Adrienne, another American on the same program. (We spoke with them separately and I am starting to prefer talking to people on their own. They are more honest, more open, and one person cannot dominate a conversation which I possible when you have 2 people together.) Adrienne is 23, from Louisiana and graduated from LSU with a degree in psychology in May of 2013.

During college Adrienne worked as a domestic assistant for the very wealthy owners of a large fast-food chain. She made good money at this job but was on-call pretty much 24/7. At a moment’s notice she was expected to help with whatever they needed. Adrienne was great at her job and upon graduate they wanted to keep her on full-time but Adrienne was not interested. Despite the great pay ($18.95/hour after taxes) she was not interested in continuing with the long hours and lack of free time.

Instead, Adrienne decided to work as a leadership development coordinator for her sorority, Kappa Delta, traveling the country working with chapters, as they needed it. For this job she lived out of her suitcase from August-December and January-May. (As I’m reading this I am wishing I would have asked about this – with this job she likely had little free time. She didn’t have a home or apartment as she traveled continuously for 9 months, except Christmas break. I wonder how she saw this job in comparison to the last one as they both likely gave her little free time.) Midway through the year, when she was home for Christmas break, she helped one of her friend, Kristen, pack for her The World Race trip. At the time Adrienne didn’t know anything about the program. While she was helping her friend she found herself getting mad and jealous because her friend was going and she wasn’t. Adrienne assumed the trip only left in December and since her job was based around the school year she figured she wouldn’t be able to go.

As she was leaving the friend’s house she stopped to talk to her friend’s mom who mentioned that trips leave at many times throughout the year, not just in December. Adrienne went home, was up all night researching the program and applying. That was December 28, 2014. She left in July. She hasn’t looked back since.

Like Rachel, Adrienne isn’t really planning for her return to America yet. And this trend seemed to continue with other volunteers from their trip that we spoke with. Adrienne may want to move to New Orleans (where I told her I would visit her one day). She is interested in doing ministry work either in New Orleans or leading shorter term trips for college students around the world. But she isn’t trying to think about going home – and that’s probably a good think.

Learning to live in the moment seems to be something travel teaches everyone. There isn’t a point in planning because things never work out according to plan. Being open to possibilities and being flexible provided experiences better than anything that could be planned. Living in the moment is key, not wishing for the future or focusing on the past.

I want to wish the best of luck to Adrienne and Rachel. Can’t wait to hear how the trip turns out.

If you want to follow their journeys around the world shoot me and e-mail at and I would be happy to pass along their blog information.

Native English Speakers

 Disclaimer: As I am changing the general content of my blog to talking about other people we meet and sharing their stories (vs. talking about my life) you are going to have to bear with me as I try to figure out how I am going to share this information and learn a new writing style for doing this exact thing. I am not very happy with today’s post but I know only practice will make me better. I am sorry if these posts are going to seem more like the first posts from my blog – reciting facts, not telling a story – I just need to keep doing it, every day, and by the end of next year I’m sure it will be better. I also need to refine my interview technique so I can get more specific or thematic information from people that are more interesting to later share on my blog. There is a fine line between letting someone take the conversation where they want it to go, tailoring it to their specific experience, and trying to gather something similar from everyone.

Monday morning we had breakfast with Jennifer, a 42-year-old professor who lives in Toronto with her husband and 3-year-old daughter. Jennifer is a professor of Public Health Policy and her husband is a professor of Computer Science. She has worked the last few years at the University of Toronto but will be teaching this next year at Concordia University of Edmonton in Alberta, CA.

Jennifer’s PhD was in history, with her doctoral thesis focusing on resistance to vaccination. Upon graduation she could only find one job in history, in Galveston, TX, but her husband could not find a job there. As they obviously wanted to be together in a place where they could both work she took a shot in the dark and applied at U of Toronto as a Public Health Policy teacher, selling herself as this based on the connection between public health policy and her doctoral PhD. She got the job and spent the first year she was teaching learning along with her students.

For the last five years Jennifer and her husband have been living in and restoring a stone house outside of Toronto. When they bought the house 5 years ago they took on the project of restoring the house but then Jennifer got pregnant and the work become more than they were prepared for. Between raising their daughter and restoring the old stone house themselves, Jennifer feels as if she has been more consumed than she could have imagined. The work has been very hard, it has been “too much work” and she is worried that they have spent too much of their life working on this renovation project. Jennifer is glad that they are finished but is not sure that the project was really worth it. (It is so nice to hear people honestly admit things like this. At no point did it seem that Jennifer was trying to make the project seem easier of better than it was. It is so great to hear people’s honest feelings about something, that maybe they did something they shouldn’t have done, maybe they made a mistake).

With this feeling of being overly consumed these last years with their renovation project and parenting, Jennifer and her husband have finally finished with the home and are now on a sabbatical trying to figure out what these next years should bring. They are away from home for 4 months, having left December 9th and staying away until the end of March. They hope that in this time they will find some clarity about what their next 5 years should be spent doing. I am looking forward to following up with Jennifer at the end of their journey to see if they have found some clarity.

Jennifer and her husband met in their residence hall back in University (not sure if it was when they were studying for their BA or for their PhD). Jennifer was looking for hot water and her now husband helped her find it. When they were on their first date Jennifer told her husband, “I don’t want to have children. If I get pregnant I’m getting an abortion.” She had no intention of ever having kids but has since obviously changes her mind and they have a lovely 3-year-old daughter. Commenting on loving you children Jennifer said, “You learn to love your child.” I have never heard someone say this before – how refreshing as well.

As I talk with more and more people every day it really helps to readjust expectations. You don’t just love your child; it is something you learn to do. How lucky I feel to hear real people share their honest opinions, beliefs, experiences in an unfiltered way (or at least if feels unfiltered).

After finishing up with Jennifer and having a chat with Roland we moved on to another café since we do not always feel all that welcome the one we like. I really don’t know why we keep going back – except it’s really the only good place to hang out in town – but I just really wish they enjoyed our presence more. Now I almost feel like staying longer at the café each day so they have to deal with us, almost as punishment for their inhospitable attitudes.

We went over to China House, another café here in town, and tried to enjoy ourselves there. Once again, a place that could really benefit from Elizabeth’s and my outgoing personalities, attention to detail, and general desire to provide outstanding customer service to everyone. Sitting there enjoying out tea a woman came in by herself, wandered around a bit lost for a while and when she walked past our table for a second time we invited her to join us.

Emma, a 34-year-old teacher from Sydney, has been traveling around Asia for the last 4 weeks. We met her on the last afternoon of her trip just hours before she flew back to Australia. She has seen Nepal, India, Malaysia, and Singapore. She had done the trip by herself, a mixture of guided tours and her own exploration. We didn’t really interview Emma like we have the breakfast people so I don’t have much more to say about her – I didn’t take notes so I don’t remember the details as well – but we had a wonderful lunch with her. And, she has a 30-year-old brother who is single and may be moving to Singapore, Elizabeth is excited about that!

That evening for dinner we ate at Sushi Tei at the mall again. We were so exhausted in the afternoon that we went back to the hotel and took naps for a few hours. Not sure why we were so tired but we both needed it – me especially as I was getting very crabby! And that was that day.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The People I Meet

So I think for this next year of my blog I am going to start focusing more on the people I meet than on the things I do. These aren't necessarily mutually exclusive since it will take much time to meet new people every day and thus the people I'm meeting are most of what I will be doing. For 2015, one of goals is going to be to have breakfast with someone different every day, thus forcing me to meet someone new everyday and learn about their story. I have been piloting this goal this last week and it has worked quite well. It is actually so interesting to meet new people all the time we have actually been eating breakfast and lunch with someone new pretty much ever day. People have just such interesting stories, and almost everyone's story connects to another person's it's just fascinating. With that said I'm going to launch into the people I have met over the last few days.

Sunday, December 28: Breakfast with “The Doctor”

Now before I start I am going to tell you that I am going to refer to the person we met as The Doctor. This is not his name, but because I haven’t actually cleared this story with him yet I am going to refer to him as The Doctor here. I have also left out part of our conversation until I get permission from him to publish it.

We met The Doctor at the cafe as usual. He was sitting alone outside. He had been helping clear plates a bit here and there, and I couldn't tell if he worked at the cafe of not. Now we have been going to the cafe every day since we arrived in Penang but the customer service has never been that great. When we walk in in the morning we can never tell if they are happy to see us or not. We might get one or two hellos, but nothing enthusiastic and nothing to hint at the fact that we are there everyday, spending money, and even sending new people there are well. This obviously annoys Elizabeth and I, but we like the food and coffee so we put up with it, but we wish we had another option and could go somewhere where they better appreciated our money and time and patronage. Anyways, since I thought The Doctor might work there, I wasn't sure if he'd want to join us - thinking they might not like having us at the cafe - but I figured what's the worst that can happen, he says no? So I went for it and he hesitantly accepted. Of everyone we have had breakfast with to date he was the most resistant.

Turns out The Doctor used to work at a cafe, from June to September of this year. The Doctor is from Penang, 100% Chinese – third generation, and trained as a doctor in Ireland (hence the nickname I gave him). He finished medical school in 2006 at the age of 28, making him now 36 years old. He speaks Chinese, Malay, and English and believes Hong Kong would be the ideal place to live. I'm sure you're wondering why a trained doctor was working at a cafe this past year and that is where The Doctor’s story gets really interesting - and honest.

After finishing medical school The Doctor realized he wasn’t really passionate about being a doctor, he was passionate about making money. He felt that people who are doctors should be passionate about being doctors, not about the financial aspect of being a doctor. He admits that this isn’t actually true across the field (many doctors are motivated by the money) and he also believes he could be a doctor as a profession and do just fine, but he really wants to make money and doesn’t believe that he should be a doctor if he isn’t passionate about it. Once he makes all this money he wants to travel the world forever without worrying about cost.
So, after not choosing to continue in the medical field The Doctor instead chose to come back to Penang and try making money in other ways. He got a loan from his parent’s family business, a successful Seafood business located on the west coast of Malaysia, and decided to start flipping properties around Penang. Although I am not sure how long he has been into the real estate business he has been successful and since repaid the loan to his family with interest. According to The Doctor, however, the market here is starting to get too expensive to continue being profitable and thus he is now looking for a new business venture. (We suggested he take the plastic bag drinks to the nightclubs in the west – still waiting to hear what he thinks about that. Imagine, being able to dance and not have to hold your drink in your hand. And no setting down your drink so no date rape drugs. Ingenious!).

The best part about meeting The Doctor was the insight he was able to give us into life here in Malaysia. As I briefly mentioned in my previous post, I purchased a book about temporary migrant workers here in Malaysia. They come from many surrounding countries because there is more money to be made here than there is back home. Now this was really quite difficult for Elizabeth and I to believe. From what we have seen so far, it is clear that Malaysia is still a developing country. Much of the infrastructure is not well maintained; people do follow many of the basic rules that make societies work – like road rules, and things are so cheap here it is hard to imagine employees get paid much. And this is what The Doctor confirmed, they don’t get paid much. The average café worker here might make RM$6/hour. That’s under US$2/hour. Less than US$2/hour!! Can you imagine working for that amount of money? I cannot. I would not. I would be insulted if someone offered me RM$6/hour. I would not work for that much money. And RM$6/hour is actually above the minimum wage.
To think that people come form other countries, can make more money here, can compensate for the higher cost of living, and still send money home is unimaginable. I don’t even want to think what people are paid per hour in places like Bangladesh and Burma. Maybe RM$2/hour, about US$0.75. Not sure, but that would be my guess. Until reading this book, and talking with locals like The Doctor, it had never occurred to me that people would come to Malaysia to make a better life for themselves. I just didn’t/still don’t really realize how poor it must be in other places. I am now very interested to see what these other countries are like. I mentioned this to The Doctor – how I can’t imagine this, since I can at any time return to America and get a job there making so much more money he told me I am “blessed.” This is very true, I am “blessed.” I speak English as my first and native language, I am a citizen of America – the most powerful and influential country in the world, I come from a well-off family, and I will hopefully never have to work for RM$6/hour or less.

So for a bit more about the average worker’s life/compensation. We will use a café worker for this as this is what The Doctor was able to give us the most insight to. So a café worker might be making RM$6/hour. They would typically work 6 days per week and 10 hours per day, so 60 hours per week. At RM$6 per hour that is RM$360 per week; in US dollars that would be just over $100 per week. Food can be had for about RM$3 per meal and rent is maybe RM$300 per month. So let’s do the math. RM$360x4=RM$1440 per month in income. Less RM$300 for rent is RM$1140. Less another RM$300 for food (roughly) is RM$840. Less other random expense, you might be lucky to save US$100/month, maybe. But that is considering you are renting (or even sharing) a room in an apartment, eating very cheaply, and probably not going much. Elizabeth and I have already spent more than this – we probably spend about RM$100/day on food, if not more. Granted we are not trying to be too cheap – breakfast along between coffee and bagels runs us RM$30 – RM$40 per day – but things add up. And they are living off maybe US$450 per month. That’s per month, not per week. What is the rest of Asia going to be like?! And one last quick fact – the minimum wage (of RM$900 per month) has recently gone up.
Here’s one more example: mascara. I currently use a Bobbi Brown mascara that costs about US$25. In the US this was roughly more than 1 hour of my wages, and I thought that was a big pricey. I bought it because I liked it but it seemed a bit spendy. When I moved to NZ this same mascara cost NZ$60 which was 3 hours of my wages there. I refused to buy it for that price and instead had my mother ship it to me from the US where I could get it significantly cheap, ever after paying the shipping costs. Here in Malaysia it costs RM$95 which is like US$27 – quite reasonable if you are making money in US dollars. But what if you were getting paid RM$6/hour. That would take you 2 full days of work to buy that. Two days of work to buy mascara! That is insane! I do not know who shops at these malls here, who can afford anything here, when they are making less than US$2/hour. It is just unbelievable.

After spending our morning with The Doctor we split up again to do our own thing for a few hours. I went back to see my Chinese seal man and ordered a seal with the character for “Explorer” on it. I’ll be picking it up Wednesday morning. Then I had lunch at a local café where I met two Canadians, Brayden and Natalie, who are currently teaching English in Korea. They are there for two more months and will then be moving to Thailand where Natalie wants to teach English another year and Brayden will try to find some other job – he wasn’t in love with the teaching. Then it was back home. Elizabeth went to see the hobbit and all her favorite characters died. I did my bodyweight exercises (another goal for 2015 – do 4 sessions/week) and then we had dinner. After dinner we once again ran into Amanda and set up breakfast plans for the next morning, Monday, with her and Sam. And then we set up breakfast plans with Bob (Mr. Marley) from Starbucks for Tuesday. And that was Sunday.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Ever since we arrived in Penang we have been staying up late and getting up late, very different than our routine previously where we were usually out of the hotel room by 9:00 or 9:30. In Penang we are lucky to get into town before 12:00. Saturday was no different. Up late and into town late we had a quick breakfast and then each went off for a separate afternoon of exploring. I had a few errands to run – I went to see a local artisan about getting a traditional Chinese seal made and another to see about business cards – and Elizabeth wanted to find a nice place to read in the sun. We split up just before 12 with a plan to meet back up at 2.

My errands were accomplished quickly. I picked out the stone piece for my Chinese seal and decided I would give myself an evening to think about what to put on it. Typically you have your name engraved in Chinese characters but I just didn’t like this idea. Since my name is in English and names don’t really translate I didn’t like the idea of putting my name in Chinese characters on the stone. Instead I decided I would put something more meaningful – and a proper Chinese character – I just had to decided what. The cost: RM$180 (approximately US$50). It could have been cheaper but I really liked a more expensive stone and I figured I’m probably only going to get one in my life so I might as well get one I like, right? And in reality it’s only US$50 – not all that expensive. For the double sided business cards I want it will be RM$60 for 200 cards (US$17). I am going to stamp my business cards with my seal so I didn’t commit to the business cards either as I needed to measure the stone, etc… The business cards will be ordered on Monday.

Since these tasks didn’t take long and I had lots of time left before meeting with Elizabeth I thought this would be a good time to walk around and try to improve my poor photography skills. I wanted to make some sort of goal for 2015 around photography but haven’t committed to anything yet and don’t think I will. Instead I will just practice taking more photos – more artistic photos, not just photos of me doing things – and see how it goes. If I think my skills start to develop maybe I’ll buy myself a fancy camera for Christmas next year.  (On this, I think my blog will be changing a bit this year. Not on purpose, per say, but because I just feel like I’m developing and changing so my blog should as well. I will likely be including less photos and videos – not that I won’t be making them, but it is very time consuming to upload them all – and doing longer written posts. This is basically what I’ve been doing the last few weeks anyways and I like it. I am really starting to enjoy the writing part of this, I feel like I’m starting to see some real improvements from my abilities when I started, and want to keep going with that. Also, when I do post photos they will likely be more “artistic” and less just photos of me standing next to things. A way to try to develop a new skill.)

While I was walking around Georgetown and Little India taking pictures I stumbled upon a bookstore so I decided to go in. Since leaving Asia I have purchased 5 books total. Without a job now I have so much more time to read. This particular bookstore was full of books about Malaysia and South East Asia. Although I had three unread books back in the hotel I decided to buy another. There’s no better time than now to read about Malaysia. Plus one goal I have for 2015 is to read at least one book from an author from each continent. Great time to buy a book that will feed into this goal! I looked through the Malaysia section, spoke with the shopkeeper, and finally decided on a book, Politics of the Temporary, written by a doctoral student in Chicago. The author, Parthiban Mundiandy, was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur by immigrant parents from India. The book recounts his experiences interviewing temporary migrant workers in both Kuala Lumpur and Georgetown, Penang (where we are currently staying) for his doctoral thesis. I will get more into the book in later posts, but in the first 24 hours of owning the book I read over 60 pages. The stories are fascinating and it is so nice to read a book about places I have been – Bukit Bintang in KL, Chinatown in KL, Jalan Pudu in KL. It gives so much more meaning to the stories.

This brings me to another topic very briefly, the stronger connection I now feel with world issues. I first noticed this a few weeks ago with the hostage situation in Sydney. Elizabeth and I were watching the news and heard about the hostage crisis at Martin Place in Sydney.  Normally when something like this popped up on the news – about a crisis in another country – I would have thought “that’s really too bad” or maybe “how scary,” but when this happened I had those same thoughts but on a stronger level because I walked by that very shop when I was in Sydney last year. That incident which I honestly would have cared very little about two years ago interested me much more since I could have been in that shop when it happened. I never actually went into the Lindt shop when I was there but who’s to say I wouldn’t have. I like how traveling makes things that happen in other parts of the world so much more relevant to my life now. The hostage crisis in Sydney, temporary migrant workers in Malaysia, these are all things that I now care about more than I ever would have before.

Okay, back to the story of the day’s events. After purchasing my new book it was time to meet back up with Elizabeth. I arrived at the café a bit early and decided to get myself an apple juice. Another goal that I have for 2015 is to have 5 fruits and vegetables every day. (I know it’s not 2015 yet but I ma piloting all my goals now to make sure they are actually reasonable. I’m not only picking easy goals, but I also don’t want to set myself up for failure which is why the photography goals have been scrapped – it just wouldn’t happen.) When Elizabeth arrived she also ordered a juice and we sat there reading or chatting or something.

While we were sitting there I noticed a man sitting alone at the counter and invited him over to join us. He accepted and thus began our afternoon chatting with Roland. I have no hesitation saying that Roland is the most interesting person we have met since we left New Zealand – maybe the most interesting person I have met since I left America.

For a bit about Roland, he is 36 years old, from France, and has been living in Asia for over ten years now. When he first came to Asia he lived in Japan, but has since moved from there to Phuket, Thailand and then down here to Penang. When Roland was in his early 20s he was heavily involved with MMA fighting. He lived for 4 years in NYC and then moved to Japan at the age of 25. During his time in the states he even did a fight in Fridley, MN – pretty cool, isn’t it? At some point during his 20s Roland was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). He eventually had to stop fighting and went back to France for treatment.

Despite the efforts of the doctors and the best conventional medicines available his condition continued to worsen. After years of decline, both physically from the MS and mentally from the strong medications, two years ago Roland was confined to his wheelchair 90% of the time. 

During the time that his condition was worsening, Roland kept hearing about a plant called Ayahuasca. He heard about in things he was reading, on the TV, from people he came in contact with. Eventually he decided to do some more research for himself.

Ayahuasca is a plant from the Amazon rainforest with healing properties. Although the history is not known since there are no written records from the Amazon before the Spanish Conquest, it is believed Ayahuasca has been in use by Amazonian tribes for over 2,500 years.  There are many places in the Amazon where you can go on retreats and use the drug for it’s healing properties – both physical and mental.

Roland, at this point interested in alternative medicines for help with his MS, decided after much research to go to an Ayahuasca retreat center in the jungle in Peru for 6 weeks. During this time he did a 10-day fast, 7 Ayahuasca ceremonies, and daily purges. He recounted learning much about himself – both the good and the bad – and well as about those around him. The retreat was not easy, and he would not recommend it for other people – unless they feel a calling to do it, but he could not be happier that he went.

Since leaving Peru Roland’s MS has not only stopped progressing, but many of the effects have actually been reversed. He no longer uses a wheelchair and says his condition is continuing to get better. His outlook on life has also completely changed. He avoids stress in his life and just tries “to go with the flow” as best he can. Roland has emphasized that the largest positive effects he has seen from the Ayahuasca retreat is the healing of the mind. No matter how much his condition improves he will never go back to the stress and negative mental energy of MMA fighting.

Now to the Magic part of the day, after Roland we no longer about to do MMA he switched to Magic. He meets regularly with a teacher here in Penang and practices his tricks at Mugshot with random customers. Since we fell into this “random customer” category we got to see a few card tricks. Not only does he do magic tricks but he also reads body language – he did a lying exercise with us. I didn’t pass at all but Elizabeth did. He wasn’t far off though on her. It was very impressive. I told him to look up Lie To Me online and watch it.

Anyways, Elizabeth and I were both absolutely fascinated by his story. I have never heard anything like it before. MMA fighter to magician. Sick with MS in a wheelchair to walking assisted with only one crutch. It was truly fascinating to hear the journey his life has taken. It was a self-admitted “roller coaster” as everyone’s life is, but he’s got to have one of the most interesting roller coasters out there.

After this amazing encounter there really isn’t anything that could top that for the day. After parting ways with Roland we headed back home on the bus. Elizabeth had her first minor bout with food poisoning in the afternoon and so I went to dinner by myself. I had Japanese Fish Katsu at the hawker center just down the road and it was one of the best meals I’ve had since leaving NZ. When I got back Elizabeth was feeling much better. I continued reading my new book before bed. And Elizabeth made one comment that more of less sums up our experience so far. I was telling her that I was chatting with a mutual friend of ours, Ana (who I went to Samoa with), on Facebook about her University classes. Elizabeth’s response was “Is Ana still studying in NZ?” I reminded Elizabeth that we only left NZ two and half weeks ago so, yes, Ana was still studying in NZ. But her comment couldn’t have better reflected that fact that it feels as if we have been gone forever. I can honestly say I feel like I never even lived there. Time has been going so slow – with all the new experiences we are having every day – that it almost feels like I’ve been here in Penang forever. I can barely even remember Singapore – except how much I loved it and that I want to go back. It is just amazing that we have only been gone 16 days and yet feel like we never even lived back in NZ.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

So Many New Friends

The day after Christmas, also known as Friday, December 26, started out like every other day here in Penang. Up, dressed, and off to town for breakfast at Mugshot. We were on a bit of timeline as I had told Paul – Holland (from the gift exchange the night before) that we would meet him for breakfast at 12. Now I know this doesn’t seem early, like we shouldn’t need to hurry to make it in time, but since we had a whole 4 beers each the night before to celebrate Christmas, and because I was up late chatting home to my family, we were moving a bit slower in the morning.

On the way to the bus I stopped to buy a carrot juice from the Hawker center we I had eaten a small afternoon meal the afternoon before. Because we were on our way to the bus, and needed to make good time, I got the juice for takeaway. Now this was a whole new experience for me. They do not serve takeaway beverages in a plastic or Styrofoam or paper cup like you would find back in America, but rather they serve it to you in a plastic bag. They pop a straw in the bag, tie a plastic string around one corner of the bag for you, and off you go. Since the original take away beverage Elizabeth and I have had a few more and have come to realize all the benefits and drawbacks of this system.


-       Hands-free drinking. Because there is a sting around the bag you can loop the string around your wrist and hang the drink off your wrist and still use both your hands.
-       Easily packaged for brining home. If you do not plan to consume the beverage immediately you can tie the top of the bag shut completely and then package all the drinks into a larger plastic bag. No need for cup holders in the car – no need to worry about spilling the drinks. Easy peasy.

-       You cannot set the drink down. If you need to take a break mid-way through you cannot simply set the bag down on the table, it would all spill. You must find something to hand the drink from, you bicycle handle, a door know, etc.
-       Easily punctured. The plastic bag is obviously not as durable as a cup. You can easily puncture the bag and loose your beverage out the side. Thankfully this hasn’t happened to us yet. Fresh, pulpy carrot juice all down your shirt would be gross!

We are definitely enjoying the novelty of this new experience now, but I am sure at some point soon we will find out why the west uses cups instead of plastic bags. Although I am tempted to bring this idea back to America and try to capitalize on it.

We took the bus into town and ended up being 8 minutes late. As we were getting off the bus right in from of Mugshot Paul was heading out, I think he thought we weren’t going to show up. We dragged him back inside, had a nice quick breakfast with him, and then he was off in cab to airport and on a flight to Bangkok. Paul-Holland has been traveling around Thailand and Malaysia for the last month. He is on a one-month holiday from his policeman job back in Holland and he’s here exploring Asia. He left Holland alone one month ago but met some other Dutchmen in Thailand and that is how we met him. Paul-Holland is friends with Joost, we met Joost on Christmas Day, and we were all at the gift exchange.  Although Paul would have really like to stay longer in Asia he had to get back to Europe to take his Salsa Dancing lessons and some other things – I don’t remember. We wished him a safe flight, gave him the standard three cheek kisses as is standard in Holland, and he was gone.

At this point Elizabeth and I started focusing a bit on our trip to Thailand. How we would get there – bus, boat, plane, train – where we would cross the border – island, land border, or airport – where we would stay when we got there – hotels? – and generally which direction we wanted to head towards.

Our rough thought at this point is that we will stay here in Penang through January 1 at which point we will head north to Thailand. There are two options here, either we will take a bus up towards Bangkok – maybe stopping in Phuket along the way – or we will take a ferry from Penang to Langkawi, a Malaysian Island, and then take the ferry from Langkawi to Ko Lipe, a Thai Island. At this point we will stay a few days in Ko Lipe and then take a ferry from Ko Lipe to Phuket. Stay a few days in Phuket and then up to Bangkok. Then from Bangkok fly back to Singapore, mid-January time frame, spend about one week in Singapore trying desperately to get jobs, and if that works out we will stay. If we can’t find a job in one week we will fly back to Bangkok and pick back up where we left off heading north and then east.

In our time of research we didn’t lock anything it, except that we need to get Thai visas figured out before we show up at the border or we will only be granted a single-entry 15 day visa. If we look into it before hand we can get a multi-entry 60 day or longer tourist visa which would be ideal if we can’t get jobs in Singapore, then we can head back on the same visa.

While we were working on this project a lone gentleman sat down at the table next to ours. We had invited him the night before to join our gift exchange but he had refused. Now, however, I couldn’t imagine him refusing to join us we I asked him over. Matthijs, the lone gentleman, decided to join us and we sat there chatting with him for a while, learning all about his life. He is 26 years old, from Holland (surprise, surprise!), and over in Asia on a 19 day holiday. He is returning home on December 30th. Recently he enrolled in a program to study Chinese herbal medicine that will last 5 years. He was compelled to go into this after seeing how traditional medicine has failed his mother who suffers from constant pain that western medicine has not been able to find a cause or solution for. Although he has not totally convinced his mother yet to try Chinese herbal medicine, he sees her faith in western medicine waning.

Prior to going into this new line of study/work, Matthijs was a plasterer. This is interesting because Tom, the Englishman we met a few days back that is living in Phuket and working on the yachts, used to be a plasterer in England. Neither of them seemed to find much satisfaction in the work as both of them have since moved onto other careers. Matthijs also recently (6 months ago) ended an eight-year relationship he had been in. I cannot imagine having dating the same person for 1/3 of my life – and my entire adult life. That’s crazy. From what we gathered he still loves the girl and cares deeply about her but wants his freedom, much as I do myself.

Part way through our time with Matthijs another friend from the evening before, Joe, joined us as well. Joe had his trusty selfie-stick with him, was doing a great job chatting up all the beautiful women – something he seems quite skilled at – and was generally out enjoying the day. He had a coffee with us and then we all went our separate ways, Matthijs off to the Cameron Highlands for a few days in the jungle, Joe to see the new Hobbit movie at the theater, and Elizabeth and I went home.

The bus ride back to our hotel was terribly long and when we got off the bus it was pouring rain. The walk is about 15 minutes when it’s dry, but as soon as the sidewalks are wet they get slippery and the walk gets longer. Plus, we only had one small umbrella and no raincoats; we knew it would be a long, wet walk home. Just as we got off the bus we ran into a white couple that offered us tickets for the Hop-On Hop-Off bus. I didn’t hear what she said but Elizabeth recapped later that she offered us the tickets because it was no good and maybe we wanted to go. It’s no good, and you think we want to go? No thanks lady! Plus it’s raining! Who wants to see a bunch of tourist attractions from the inside of a bus when it’s raining? Not me! My favorite part about the whole interaction is that it was pouring rain and they didn’t offer us a ride. I don’t want it to seem like I would expect strangers to offer me a ride because it’s raining, but obviously they could see we were about to walk somewhere in the rain, they had already stopped to talk with us, it’s not like they couldn’t have just offered then after seeing how wet we were going to get. But, alas, no offer so off we headed towards home.

When we finally arrived at the hotel we were soaking wet.  Our flip flops were absolutely soaked from walking through puddles all along the road, our shirts and shorts both had large wet patches, and the backs of our legs were splashed will all sorts of debris and mud. We couldn’t have been happier to be in our room where it was warm, dry, and out of the rain.

For dinner we ventured back out, as it had stopped raining, towards the mall to have a hawker stall meal. We both found noodle dishes that suited us and a nice vegan appetizer to share. The meals were a bit bland – not nearly spicy enough! – but not bad. And the whole dinner only cost RM$12 (US$3.5). For dessert we tried some questionable fruit dish – Rojak. We didn’t know what it was before we bought it and we still don’t. The dish consists of a cocktail of various cut-up fruits and vegetables and topped with a very dark sweet sauce, chopped peanuts, and deep fried dough pieces. I had her put the sauce on the side in case we didn’t like it. By the time we were done we had eaten maybe 2/3 of the dish. There was good pineapple and cucumber on the plate. It was mixed in with various unknown items – some okay, some uneatable. The sauce was sweet but we couldn’t tell what it was. I wouldn’t order it again but I’m glad we tried it. And I was happy to have some water to wash the bad taste out of my mouth when we were done.

Following dinner we did a bit of shopping at the mall and then went to Starbucks for a treat. Our favorite Starbucks employee, Mr. Marley (Bob), was working. We were thrilled to see him and he seemed happy to see us as well. He wrote special messages to us on our cups “*the most beautiful customer”. What a nice guy! We sat outside enjoying our drinks when we spotted our friends from Christmas Eve sitting at the café next door. Finished with our drinks we decided to walk over and say hi. As we walked up to greet them they just couldn’t believe it was us. They kept saying things like “this is so weird” and “I told you.” We had no idea what they were talking about but Sam, the guy, explained.

Apparently on Christmas Eve Sam had been telling Amanda that is you sit with your palms open and your feet open to the world people will come and talk to you. As he was practicing this on that evening I had gone up to talk to them for this first time and ask their story. Then on Friday evening (the evening this story is taking place on) Amanda was trying this when we came up to them again. Apparently every time they try this we show up. I’m sure that would be weird for someone.

Anyways, Sam and Amanda were there with another friend, Yvonne. They were enjoying a coffee outside and having a chat. It was great to run into them again as well because we were able to get more of their story. So as a bit of a reminder, Sam was the Kiwi who had lived in Penang for 15 years with his ex-pat parents before studying in LA for one year. The additional information we found out is that he had spent his time in America studying business but had too much fun not studying and thus returned to Penang. I can imagine Southern California could be a bit too much fun. He has known Amanda about 2 weeks. Amanda is 17 and Eurasian – one European (Irish) parent and one Asian (Chinese) parent. She had finished high school and will be starting Uni in London in March where she will study music – apparently she’s a great singer. Yvonne, the one we hadn’t met the other night, is 15, currently in high school, has known Amanda 5 years, and known Sam 1 week. She is also Eurasian – one Dutch parent and one Indonesian parent – and has grown up in Penang with his grandparents. They seemed happy to see again, just as we were to see them. If we run into them one more time, and I’m hoping we do, we will invite them to meet us for dinner or a coffee. Although they are much younger than me it must be meant to be that we become friends.

After our day full of meeting new people it was back to the hotel and to bed.