Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Singapore in Less than 36 hours

It's doesn't feel real that I'm about to be leaving Auckland, but in less than 36 hours I will no longer be in NZ with no known return date. I spent today and will spend tomorrow picking up the last few things I need before I leave. I will be getting rid of my car tomorrow, and then I'm off.

On a side note, I went to the dentist today and got a few of my sealants re-done. My cheek has been so soar since I left the dentist - like nothing I have ever felt in my life. I've had Elizabeth check it a few times since I can't see well inside my mouth, and will have her check it again tomorrow, but I just can't believe how soar it is. It's painful even to eat. If it's not feeling any better by tomorrow afternoon I will call my dentist and ask about it because once I leave here I could be quite far from proper medical/dental care.

Anyways, I have decided I will be returning to America for any needed medical and/or dental care for the rest of my trip/life.


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