Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Christchurch Photos

Christchurch Day 1:

Me and my father outside a small cafe in Darfield, Sarah's hometown west of Christchurch, where we had lunch on our first day in Christchurch.

Elizabeth, me and Sarah enjoying out ice cream cones.

Trying out my new hairdo for when I'm a flight attendant. If the hairstyle doesn't' look good I can't do the job. Thankfully Steph did a good job with the french role, further encouragement to move to Dubai and get a job with Emirates Air.

And from the other side.

A couple large roosters are seen on Sarah's family's sheep farm, which they are converting to a Dairy farm soon.

And a horse there as well. You can't tell in this photo but I am still rocking the french roll on the farm. 

The beautiful Sarah with her horse.

Looking out over the field that will soon be planted with Kale to feed the dairy cattle that they winter on the farm. 


Left to Right: Gordon (Sarah's uncle who lives on and runs the farm), Me, Elizabeth, Dad, Mom, Steph, Sarah.

L to R: Gordon, Me, Elizabeth, Dad, Mom, Sarah. Steph is taking the photo.

Front to Back: Elizabeth, Dad, Mom, Steph, Sarah

Looking out over the farm.

Farmer Gordon.

Sarah and Steph

A couple lambs feeding from mom. 

And mom has now had enough and is off to do something else. The lambs are a bit confused as to why she's gone.

Steph's feet, Sarah's arm.

Elizabeth with her new favorite Chichek with a crocked beak.

Sarah's cousin on her horse.



The most ghetto fabulous chicken I've even seen!

And for a close-up.

Elizabeth with her new business venture, a petting zoo.

Christchurch Day 2:

My beautiful muesli breakfast at Hello Sunday in Christchurch. 

Buildings still abandoned since the Christchurch earthquake 3+ years ago. Reminds me of the footage from Katrina and how they marked all the houses/buildings down there.


Dad at the container mall.

The container mall. A new addition to the Christchurch CBD constructed completely out of shipping containers.

The family punting on the avon.


Our punter, Stephen.

Waiting for our gondola ride in Christchurch.

Standing just where we should be. L to R: Me, Sarah, Mom, Dad.

Me & Sarah in the Gondola.

Looking down on roads still unused since the earthquake.

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