Saturday, December 6, 2014

Photos from Samoa

Here are all photos from my trip to Samoa!!! I hope you can all now see how beautiful it is and start planning trips of your own.

Saturday, November 29:

Leaving Auckland Airport. Goodbye! Hasta la vista! No sad feelings here, that's for sure!

Flying over Tonga.

The islands are just so beautiful. The camera has a bit of trouble not focusing on the window so the photos are a bit blurry. And the colors in real life are just so much more intense and wonderful than the colors here!



Over the open ocean. Somewhere in the Pacific between Tonga and Samoa, heading north to paradise!

Coming in for our landing at the Faleolo International Airport outside Apia, Samoa.

Shortly after landing we headed off to the market. Here's a photo of one of the stall at the flea market. Rather on par with what you would see for touristy items at any market in any tropical place. 

Our friend who stayed with us in our room at the Annabelle Inn. I think there really were a few friends, but since I never saw more than one at the same time I cannot prove this theory. No matter the number I'm just so happy there weren't any cockroaches!

Sunday, November 30:

Our trusty car, a Toyota Rav4 2 door from Funway Rentals. Worked well for us during our trip. I did buy a Samoan license to drive while I was there for $20. That is now officially the second drivers license I have ever had.

The Baha'i temple outside Apia, Samoa. One of only 8 in the world. They all have 9 sides.

Look how clear the water is! You can see all the little fishies.

A random stop, beautiful scenery.

Ana, the birthday girl, at Tafatafa beach on her 28th birthday. Happy Birthday Ana!

Trying out Ana's new waterproof GoPro Camera here at Tafatafa.

Relaxing in the water. At Tafatafa the water was so salty I didn't need to put any effort into floating whatsoever. 

Trying out the underwater feature.

And again.

The view from where I was laying reading my book, Bill Bryson's The Lost Continent.

A visitor.

Guess she's decided to claim our spot as her own. Thankfully the majority of the stray dogs are quite friendly, and mostly leave you alone. Rabbis did cross my mind, and I never did learn for sure if they have it on the island or not but my guess is they do. I'm just happy I did get rabbis or any hideous dog bite scars.

Tafatafa beach.

A coconut tree off Tafatafa beach.

Tafatafa beach from the other direction.

Looking out to sea from Tafatafa beach. This is the South Pacific at it's finest!

Our snapper from the market. Some taro there in the background. Ready for lunch?

All finished! Mighty tasty. Thank you Annabelle Inn for cooking our fish for us.

Ana at 28.

The Annabelle Inn. How beautiful!

Sunset over the bay at Apia.

The light from the setting sun.

Monday, December 1:

Fruit at the Produce Market.

Coconuts at the market.

A beautiful flower. 

A nice waterfront view along the North Coast of Upolu.

On our drive to Lalomanu. Imagine driving down roads like that every day!

Our beach fale at Lalomanu.

Tuesday, December 2:

Reading in the beach fale on Namua Island.

Namua Island from my reading perch in the fale.

Christian hard at work with his boat, Namua Island. What a job to drive his boat over the turquoise waters of paradise everyday. His mom was telling us it can be hard to motive her children to do well in school because they like the island so much and want to stay there. Do you blame them?

Wednesday, December 3:

Sunrise from Lalomano Beach. The camera did not capture the colors are they were in real life, but who care? It's so beautiful anyways! (Well the secret is I care a little bit and am considering buying a nicer camera so in the future I can get a photo that looks more like what I actually saw.)

Looking down over To Sua Ocean Trench.

Interesting in climbing straight down that ladder? I sure wasn't! It took me about 20 minutes, and 3 failed attempts, to work up enough courage to get past the 3 rung and down the ladder. 

Ana on her way down.

Ana waiting for me and catching a tan.

Ana swimming in the ocean trench. 

Our, away from the platform.

Jumping from the platform in the ocean trench!

Together at last.

And to prove this all actually happened inside the ocean trench, here we are on the platform!

On our way out.

Made it back up!

Pretty flower.

With our coconuts at Mountain View.

The view from Mountain View.

Thursday, December 4:

Before our river walk. L to R: Ana (Peru), me, Olsen the guide (NZ/Samoa), Jan (Australia), Cheryl(Australia), Samantha (Australia)

At the beginning of the hike. As you can see, we are still dry above the knee. Please note, we are standing in knee deep water.

Climbing up to jump off the waterfall.

I down, waiting for everyone to head over to the other one.

On my way to jump #2.

And that's that for Samoan photos. Videos to follow shortly!

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