Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Photos from East Coast & Napier.

Last day on the South Island, Tuesday, November 18th:

Driving up the east coast of the South Island from Christchurch to catch the ferry to the North Island we stopped off at a random place, I don't even remember why, and got out of the car to se the surf. Another gentleman who was also stopped there pointed out the dolphins in the water. If my memory serves me correctly there were about 5 or 6 dolphins that we saw there. It was hard to get a good photo but here you can see a fin - proof that we did actually see them!

A photo of the beach at that random stop off.

The view from the Interislander leaving Picton heading towards Wellington. We were only a few meters out of port here.

Back on the North Island, Wednesday, November 19th:

A strawberry from a lot we bought on the side of the road north of Wellington in Wairarapa. Totally red, totally juicy, sweet - the best strawberries I've ever had in my life and I'm sure I can speak for my parents on that one as well.

Lots of them.

Dad driving and wearing his Sea Shepard shirt that he bought on his second day in NZ.

Mom in the back seat where she spent most of the vacation as President of the Flat Ass Society (FAS).

Another strawberry, just beautiful!

Last day at 59. Guinness, Fish & Chips at the local Irish Pub in Napier.

Napier, Thursday, November 20:

Dad looking out over Hawke's Bay on the morning of his 60th birthday.

The climb up to the prison through the bush.

Welcome to the Napier Prison.

Dad getting booked into the Napier Prison.



This photo was taken straight. The hallway looks twisted because it was from the earthquake in 1931 when the ground rose 2 meters. This is how it has been for the 80+ years since then. 

Dad at his 60th birthday dinner! Happy birthday! You can tell we ate well that night :)

Dad at 60 years old.

Friday, November 21:

Amazing clouds that we saw on our trip from Napier up to the Coromandel. We saw these on the road between Napier and Taupo.

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