Monday, December 1, 2014


After my parents left on Wednesday night I got straight to not trying to see anyone really while I was back in Auckland. As I said before, it’s hard to say goodbye to your entire life, then come back into it, only to have to say goodbye again a few days later. This way, if I don’t really see anyone again, I don’t have to say goodbye again. This also means I never really said goodbye to anyone, but I would prefer this to having to see and then again say goodbye. This way, I remember everyone from the last fun thing we did together, not the last sad moment we spent together because we probably won’t ever see each other again.

With that said, I spent Wednesday evening planning my trip to Samoa, Thursday during the day having lunch with a few customers and then hanging out at home, and Thursday evening with my old/current flat mate Marissa at a Thanksgiving gathering.

Thanksgiving gatherings abroad are always and interesting thing. Being that this is my second one I feel the right to say “always”. Anyways, with this gathering many of the people who had made various dishes were not actually American. I wouldn’t say anyone did a necessarily bad job, but not everything tasted like it should at home. And there were way too many healthy looking dished there – there were 3 different types of salad, green salad. I’ve never seen that at any Thanksgiving I’ve been to! It had many of the same American foods I’m used to – Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole (I’m not actually used to eating this at Thanksgiving, but I know this is a very traditional food), deviled eggs, pumpkin pie, pecan pie – but it was missing many things – mashed potatoes, gravy, dinner rolls, wild rice, cranberry sauce – and there were many new additions as well – as I said many different salads, ham, chicken wings, other things I’m sure. It was great to go to a party with lots of foreigners who were trying their best to celebrate Thanksgiving but they also mixed in a few other holidays – 4th of July, with all the cutlery, plates, cups, napkins, decorations with American Flags, and Christmas, as we sang songs together, including the National Anthem (back to 4th of July with that one). All in all it was very fun to be a part of that, and not have to cook like Kelsey and I had to do last year for a whole slew of people!

Friday I did more of the same from Thursday, hung around the house, saw Elizabeth and Helen for a coffee at midday, met with Ana in the afternoon to finally plan our trip to Samoa that we were leaving for the next morning, and then hung at home in the evening. Ana and I had an early flight the next day, 9:15 am but being international we had to be there at 7:15 and then add in travel time to the airport and we had to leave my place at 6:30 am Saturday. So nothing really to report from Friday.

Also uploading that at the internet cafe. Haven't had time to write about Samoa yet. Will post later. But as an overview it's absolutely beautiful, super hot and humid, and I might just stay here forever!


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