Friday, August 23, 2013

Back in Edina

So I'm back in the cities tonight and I'll be around for the next 10 or so days. It's crazy how quickly I've adjusted back to my city life. I've always felt like I'm good at adjusting the situations, but sometimes too good. I already feel like I almost never went to Houston. When I'm not experiencing something in the moment it's hard for me to recall what it was like, like it never happened. It's strange, but I guess I probably have less trouble than others adjusting to change once it's happened. That doesn't mean it's easier for me leading up to the change, but once something is different I can usually adjust pretty easily, especially with my physical surroundings.

On the topic of the The Happiness Project, I have decided to bake something every day while I am home - from now until August 31st. With this, we will have lots of baked goods around. If anyone wants to come over for a baked good and some company, please do! Since I don't have a job I will be home. While you're around, however, I might try to commit you to an interview. I have decided to start a small project where I interview people I come in contact with, both people I already know, and the people I will be meeting on my journey, to learn more about their lives. If you come for a caramel roll (tomorrow) or cookies, cake, or pie in the next week, please stay to answer a few questions.

Okay, that's all for tonight. I have to get up early tomorrow to get the rolls in the oven in time for my dad to have one before leaving for work.


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