Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 1 at Kara Kahl Farm

So I just got to my first farm today. I was so nervous when I left the Twin Cities I almost didn't come. After my first afternoon, however, I couldn't be happier that I'm here!

In my first afternoon I saw so many animals including 7 dogs, 2 cats, at least 10 chickens (including a few roosters) and 1 peacock. For goats they have 3 full grown bucks, 7 baby bucks, 15 kids, and 15 female goats. All of their goats are dairy goats then include two varieties, French Alpine and Swiss Toggenburg. Already today I feed the goats both hay and a food mixture including corn, oats, and some other item. I also milked 4 goats which they told me was a record for a WWOOFers first day! Yay!!

In the garden I helped tend to the grape vines by removing grapes with black rot and pruning back dead branches. I also helped to remove weeds around the vines and will continue with this tomorrow. I think we will also be setting up bird netting on the vines tomorrow as well.

Monday we are going to go pick up 160 bales of hay and use the hay elevator up to the barn loft. I'm so excited for my real farming experiences!

At this farm they also have a good sized vegetable garden with broccoli, eggplant, kale, beets, squash, brussel sprouts, asparagus, garlic, cabbage, swiss chard, tomatoes, corn, and likely more things I am forgetting here. We also picked fresh raspberries and blueberries and ate them right off the vine!

I will try to take pictures tomorrow of some of this so you guys can see.

Also for tomorrow - we are making cheese in the morning and I will be having my first glass of goat milk!! I'll take a video of that.

Talk to you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a good first day!! Very relieved we were able to acquire some chicken/rooster knowledge before you ventured out to the farm!! Haha Good luck with next week!! :D
