Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hay, Hay, and more Hay

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was exhausted! I don't remember all of what we did yesterday but for some reason I was really tired. I know we finished up making the Chevre (or I finished watching the homeowners make the Chevre), tended the grapes, picked up hay and loaded it into the loft of the barn, and did evening chores with the animals.

Today we did more work with the grapes, I watered all morning, and then got a large load of hay this afternoon - about 120 bales. We had to go to a farmer's house to pick up the hay, load all the bales into the horse trailer and then unload and stack them into the barn loft when we got back. The hay bales are heavy, awkward to pick up, and very scratchy on the skin. After yesterday I learned to wear a long sleeve shirt when working with the hay, but then you get very hot. Better than having scratches all over your arms though. The hay is hard work but it's also nice to get to the end of the day and know you have a hard day's work under your belt. And we have another 150 or so bales to do tomorrow!

Tonight, for chores, me and Julien did them mostly independently. It was Julien's first night milking so he was a bit slow, as was I on my first few nights. I'm by no means and expert now but if a goat has good sized teats I can milk them pretty quickly. I did have one goat knock over a bucket tonight though and make quite a mess. Then it takes time to clean that up and the goats get antsy. We milk 4 goats at a time on the milking stand and so they all had to wait while we cleaned up the spilled milk. No crying over spilled milk though.

Question for those of you reading my blog: Do you know who Heidi is? Please comment yes/no on this blog post.

Here's why I'm asking - We were at the neighbor's today and she was showing us her entries for the fair. One of the categories she was entering in was Collectable Books/Novels. She had put together a collection of "Heidi" books. Doug, the farmer I am staying with, and Marge, the neighbor, were discussing how great of a display this was. I, not knowing why this was such a good collection, asked "Who's Heidi?" Doug and Marge were both extremely amazed that I didn't know who Heidi was so I'd love some feedback from others as to whether or not you know who Heidi is. No hints, sorry.

As a note - I have terrible reception on my phone where I am staying. If you have tried to call and/or text I may not have received it. E-mail is better, although with milking goats and hauling hay I have not had time to respond to those either.

Have a great night everyone and talk with you soon!

Veggies day 4:
Carrots - cooked
Also - Dill, Raspberries, Blueberries,


  1. Yes, I know Heidi. Here is what I remember about Heidi. She is a girl living in the Swiss Alps or some such place with her Grandfather. Either she or her grandfather was lame, but being in the mountains was nursed to health. It is a book and there was a movie made after the book (back in the 50's maybe?). I had the book (maybe there were many). I saw the movie when I was a girl in Black and White on television. I have no idea if it was an old time movie when I watched it. Author of book was Spyri. It was a favorite of mine.

  2. Hey Annabelle -- Yes, I know who Heidi is...but I'm older than you AND work in a library. It doesn't surprise me at all that you didn't know that series of books :)
