Friday, August 2, 2013

After India...

So yesterday I met with Pankti, my friend who I'll be traveling India with, and we have adjusted our plan a bit. Originally we were going to go to India in the beginning of February but we've both had a change in timing. Pankti will be heading to India in mid-January and because of the cafe job I've landed in New Zealand I likely won't be joining her until the end of February or the beginning of March. We will then spend a couple of months in India and then head to Southeast Asis - likely Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Indonesia, in that order. Pankti has to be in Hawaii by mid July so we will be parting ways then. She'll be heading back to the States and I might jump over to Eastern Europe. Who knows how things will actually unfold but that's the tentative plan. I'll keep you posted.

In other news, I'm off to Sturgis tomorrow. We are leaving early, maybe 9:30am so we should be able to make it all the way West tomorrow and then we'll have a full day Saturday in the Badlands. We will likely be visiting the Badlands, the Black Hills, and Devil's Tower while we're out there. And of course, the Kid Rock concert on Monday night! I'll keep you posted of how it all unfolds. Oh and today I was at a garage sale and found a Harley blanket. I had to pick it up, who knows where we'll need to sit down on this trip and why not you a very situation appropriate blanket to rest on!

That's all for today. As always, if you have friends/family around the world that would like to meet an American, let me know. I always enjoy meeting people and would be very happy to have a few connections as I travel.


  1. Annabelle, I have a contact (an old pen pal) that I'm still in touch with in Bratislava, Slovakia. If you end up going to Eastern Europe, let me know and I can introduce you to him.

  2. Thanks Annabelle for giving me your blog address. What a great adventure!! I'm so proud of you!! This will change your life forever. I'm looking forward to reading about what you're doing every week. Take care and I'll be checking in.....Love, Ann Hoffman
