Thursday, August 22, 2013

Constructing a Loft

So today we worked on extending the loft in the barn for additional hay storage. I want to say I was helpful but in all honesty I didn't do much.... I handed Doug what he needed when he was up on the ladder and asked questions about goats. Outside of that, nothing really. But I did use a hand saw to cut some of the wood! I did an okay job, I think. I only cut one piece just slightly too long, 1/8". Doug had to correct it. I hope he thought I was a value add today...

In other news, I just finished reading The Happiness Project today and there's something in it that's really ringing true for me today. One of the ideas she references multiple times in the book is "The days are long but the years are short." I can't believe I'm already done at this farm. It has only been 12 days but going into it I thought it would feel like forever. Some of the tasks have felt like forever (especially building the loft today since I wasn't that busy) but the experience as a whole has flown by! I'm not sure there's any way to slow down the time but it's good to be aware of how quickly it'll all go by. Today I spent about 20 minutes watching a grasshopper walk around the back of Doug's truck. It was amazing. I'm trying to fill my long days with new experiences and hopefully that's make them seem a little bit slower.

Random - Doug taught me a saying the other day: "A farmer's biggest problem is his dodder" - play on words for dodder and daughter (obviously). Dodder is a plant, vine like, that strangles other plants to death.

No video for today but I will be back at Kara Kahl Farm in September to help with the Bluff Country Classic Dairy Goat Show that they organize every year. I'll be coming down Sep 19th and staying through the 22nd. If anyone is looking to experience a goat show first hand, feel free to stop by the Houston County Fair Grounds that weekend!

That's all for tonight, folks!

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