Monday, August 19, 2013

Pie, Yum!

Yesterday we worked in the vineyard and finally got one project that we've started completed. We finished doing the bird netting, weeding, and watering of the small vineyard near the house. I like accomplishing things so I was happy!

For dinner last night we went to a restaurant in La Crosse, Pettibone Boat Club. The food was fine but the location was very nice. After Doug and Mary took us on a ride around downtown La Crosse so we could see all the bars, in which case there are a lot. Cute little town!

Today we had the afternoon off so I went for another bike ride down the Root River Trail. This time I biked from Whalen to Peterson and back. In Whalen there is a great little pie shop, The Aroma Pie Shop, so I stopped there afterwards for a slice of triple berry pie. Yum! If you're on the bike trail, or just in the area, I would highly recommend stopping in for a slice of pie and a glass of milk.

This bike ride between Whalen and Peterson was nice and easy, however the trail was not in as good of condition. After the bike ride and the pie I drove around a few of the small towns on my way back to the farm - Rushford and Houston. I like to just drive around in my car, looking at people and their houses, imagining what it might be like to live there.

For dinner tonight Mary made a very good spaghetti and we sat around researching TATA (click here for the wikipedia site). For those of you reading this from MoneyGram, you know what TATA is. For those of you who don't know, TATA is a large multinational company based out of Mumbai. Once of the over 100+ companies that make up TATA is TCS, an IT consulting firm. I first learned of TCS when I was at Alliance and then heard about TATA when I was at MoneyGram. This all came up at dinner when I was making tea for myself and saw on the bag my tea bag was in that GOOD EARTH tea is a TATA company. Anyways, enough of that, but if you want to learn more about TATA and all the companies they own it's kind of interesting.

Tomorrow we also have the day off and will be taking the pontoon out on the Mississippi and having a picnic on Goose Island, I think. It's supposed to be 88* tomorrow so that'll be nice.

Well I almost have the day off. I will be doing morning chores tomorrow which will be a first. They are the same as evening chores I just haven't done them before. Oh and when I refer to chores I'm talking about goat chores. The majority of the goats have been gone the last few days at the Iowa State Fair but they are coming home tonight and they we'll have 15 goats to milk again, versus the 2 we've had since Thursday evening.

That's all for tonight, folks. Talk to you again soon!

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