Saturday, August 10, 2013

Custer State Park and the Black Hills

We spent Sunday and Monday night in Spearfish, SD just north of the Black Hills. Here are a few photos from our drives through the various highways in and around this part of South Dakota:

A tunnel on Needles Highway in the Black Hills. It's amazing a car can even fit through there. When we first tried to enter Needles Highway it was closed due to a motorcycle crash but reopened only shortly there after. We saw the bikes  that had been in the crash but they didn't look like they were in too bad of shape. Hopefully no one was badly injured.

Bridal Veil Falls in the Spearfish Canyon area of the Black Hills.

What a drive for a motorcycle!

Roughlock Falls in Spearfish Canyon.

I'm not sure the picture does this justice but this river could've come straight out of a Lord of the Rings movie.  I was just waiting for a hobbit to walk by.

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