Monday, August 12, 2013

Kid Rock at the Buffalo Chip

So I know I'm behind posting pictures from our last day in Sturgis, concluding with Kid Rock at the Buffalo Chip, so here goes now, about a week late.

The concert at the Buffalo Chip was really good. Kid Rock did his usual amazing show and it was recorded for a special on CMT that will air next week. Kid Rock's set started at 10:30 and within a few minutes of him getting on stage a thunderstorm rolled through lasting about 30 minutes. The lightening was fun to watch since we were in the country and you could see for miles. Also, the storm worked to our advantage because it cleared a lot of the people out.

Last time we saw Kid Rock in Sturgis we stood in the same spot for about 7 hours so we could be in the 10th row (all tickets are general admission). This year we didn't do that and thus were no where near the front. After the thunderstorm, however, we got about half way to the stage. Then, enters Bubba.

My father and I met Bubba just as the storm cleared. Bubba was a big, tall (maybe 6' 4" or taller) man. Although I can't be certain, my guess would put Bubba in his late forties, early fifties - he has a daughter in college. When we met Bubba he looked at me and said "Let's go to the front." I'm sure my reply was something like "There's no room" or "I don't want to be in people's way." Bubba replied with, "You're a girl, no one's going to say no to you." And with that, our journey to the front row began.

Bubba and I worked our way towards the stage (my father stayed back near the bar). I would "excuse" my way through the crowd and Bubba would follow, discouraging any contentious attitudes I may have otherwise encountered. By the time Kid Rock left the stage we were maybe 8 rows back. We could've gotten closer had it not been for all the motorcycles and lawn chairs that were around. (In 2010 they went through and cleared all bikes and chairs out hours before the concert started, something they obviously didn't do this year).

When Kid Rock finally left the stage everyone wanted an encore, as always, and those bikes that were so close to the stage were the perfect noise maker to encourage the Kid's return. Below is a video of the bikers revving their engines. WARNING: the video is really loud, do not play it in a quite place. In the video note the fence in front of the bikes - that's the stage. Also note how close people are to the burning hot pipes of the bikes, doesn't seem super safe especially since most people had been drinking heavily.

After it was clear Kid Rock was noting coming out to play any more, Bubba and I parted ways and my dad and I headed to the car. While waiting to leave the campground, we were sitting in a line of cars behind a pick-up with 8 guys in the bed. When it was clear traffic wasn't moving anywhere I put the car in park and stood half way out of my door to take a picture of the guys (had some camera trouble and it didn't turn out well). We started chatting but because my father was still in the car he couldn't easily hear what was being said. After a few minutes one of the guys turns to me and asks, "Is that your Grandma with you?" to which I replied, "No... that's my father..." I then had to repeat this question and answer portion to my father which was met with laughter, from all parties involved.

Later, as we were driving through town we were going along side the truck and the guy who had only minutes earlier referred to my father as an 80 yrs. old women now asked my father if he could marry me. Although my dad is a pretty easy going guy he was not about to let that happen. Although we'll never see them again, I'm sure that comment will not be soon forgotten.

Here's a few random photos:

As you drive into the Chip there is a large area with flags for veterans. It is a very patriotic place.
The Chip about 6:00, before everyone arrives. We are standing up on the deck of a bar in the back of the concert area. Towards the left of the photo you can see a structure which is another bar. Near that structure is where we met Bubba and where me and Bubba left my dad behind as we headed towards the front.

The Chip about 10:00 pm. The Doobie Brothers are on stage and the place is filling up in anticipation of the headliner, and my future husband, Kid Rock. 

A couple shots of Mr. Rock.
Thanks for all the great memories, Sturgis! See you again soon!

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