Monday, March 31, 2014

My voice is back, thank god!

My voice if back today! Not totally but I can at least talk, better than yesterday. I still sounds like an old smoker but it's not cracking all the time and cutting out.

This morning I went to the Auckland fish market where they apparently sell over 270 types of fish. I didn't see that many but I didn't explore all that much. There were lots of fish though, and very tasty!

I also went to Cornwall Park today for the first time yet. I've lived right near it for 4 weeks now and never been. There are Sheep and Cattle that live at this park, very near to the CBD. I've seen them in the past but they must've been moved to a different part of the park because I didn't see them today. Anyways, the park was amazing - and it was an amazing summer day today! I think tomorrow morning I'm going to walk over to the park with my book and a blanket and spend a few hours in the morning reading in the sunlight. How wonderful!

I'm going to get lunch tomorrow with Brooke, the receptionist from the gym. Or maybe do something else, but either way I have a social engagement planned, yay!

And then Wednesday I'm going to take the ferry over to Rangitoto Island to hike the volcano. Something touristy and adventurous. I need to get back to more of that. I know I haven't done anything like that in a while but I have been enjoying my stable life these last few weeks. Time to mix it up again!


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