Friday, December 20, 2013

A Birthday Party and Cleaning the Oven

Friday, December 20, 2013 - 7:00 pm

Last night we went to a birthday party for Alice, a Swedish girl who is staying in Coromandel for the summer. She is staying at a hostel in town, the Lion's Den. It was great to get out and meet some of the people who are living/working in Coromandel town this summer - people that we'll likely see if/when we go out and about in town.

Today I worked and spent a good amount of time cleaning the one of the racks from the oven. It took me close to an hour and a half to get one of them clean - I'm going to clean the other one next week. It was a tiring job but it looks so nice now. For those of you who maybe can't believe I'd clean the oven (my parents) here's a video. And here's a photo of how nice it looks now that it's clean:

That's all for today.

As for HP, I'm maybe 1/2 way through the 3rd book... Now that I'm working again I'm not able to devote as much time to reading. In each book they keep talking about Christmas and it's just so weird to think it's in 5 days. It doesn't feel anything like Christmas here. It doesn't even feel like December. Its going to pass without any celebration this year for me - or at least no "true" Christmas celebration.

Okay, that's all.


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