Thursday, December 12, 2013

My last few days in Sydney

So I'm sitting in the Sydney airport International Terminal right now waiting to go to New Zealand, country #2 on my world tour. I can't believe my 3 weeks in Sydney are already over. At the same time that it feels like I just got here, it feels like I've been for much longer than 3 weeks. Thinking back to my first few days seems like months ago, not just 21 days. So let me get right to a description of my last few days as well as some old photos that I haven't posted yet.

So Tuesday I spent some of the day at the beach. Kelsey was working in the afternoon so I was on my own. The beach was so calm on Tuesday it was like swimming in a pool. Calm and warm and wonderful! I didn't stay at the beach too long and used sunscreen so I was able to get away with not getting sunburnt. Wonderful! In the evening I met Gardi in Newtown, a neighborhood in Sydney, for dinner at a Thai restaurant, Thai Pothong. The food was delicious! Way better than out last mean out at Paleo Cafe... After dinner we walked around Newtown. It had the same vibe people-wise as northeast or maybe Lyn-Lake but it is much busier. The area is more compact and thus there are just way more people. Really cool neighborhood though. I think I could like there if I cam back to Sydney. Much farther from the beach than Bondi, however. That would be hard.

Wednesday Kelsey and I went to the beach in the morning. It was a nice day again but the surf wasn't nearly as calm as Tuesday. We spent some time lounging yesterday afternoon and then last night we went and saw Carols by the Sea in Bondi. What a strange experience being outside in a tank top and shorts listening to Christmas tunes. Everyone here seemed fine with it but to me and Kelsey it seemed quite weird.

Santa by the beach? So weird! It's just so hard to imagine this is normal to anyone!

So today was my last day. It wasn't all that nice out this morning or we would have gone to the beach. Instead we went to Gertrude and Alice bookstore for a coffee and scone. We sat outside and watched the people go by. After that we just hung at the house for a few hours before I had to head to the airport where I am now. Here's a link to the last video I made in Sydney, at the airport just now. :( 

Now here's some picture I should've shared before but am just getting up now:

From friday night at the Village Bizarre Market:

Here's a few photos from my date on Saturday night. I took these sitting at Opera Bar. The first is obviously of the Harbor Bridge. The second is of Luna Park. 

Okay that's all for now. 

Goodbye Australia, Hello New Zealand!


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