Friday, December 27, 2013

Blueberry Coffee Cake and India Visa

Friday, December 27, 2013 - 6:45 pm

So last night I also made a blueberry coffee cake. They sell a blueberry cake in the cafe that we always admire but cannot eat. We can eat it if we want to pay for it but none of us want to do that so I decided to make us one instead. Here it is:

Here's a link to the recipe. If you decide to make it, my one suggestion would be putting a layer of brown sugar in the middle when you do the first layer of blueberries. Not that you need the extra sweetness, per say, but it would just make the cake more exciting. Oh and also to note, I used sour cream instead of yogurt. We only have greek yogurt here and I was worried the flavor of the greek yogurt would overpower the coffee cake. I'm glad I used sour cream, it turned out very nice.

This morning Lasma and I hitchhiked into town early and I got my visa application in the mail for India. Wish me luck! I think I'm going to buy my plane ticket before I get back. The ticket can be canceled, for a fee, so I can change my plans if needed.

That's all for now. Tonight is Friday night so I think we're gonna head into town and see what's happening. Nothing too special.


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