Friday, December 13, 2013

I've made it to New Zealand!

So I've made it to NZ, and all the way to the cafe. The trip was really long. It took me about 18 hours door to door, none of which I slept. In the end I think I was up about 28 hours straight. Yuck! I got a good nap in when I got here though and now I'll be able to sleep tonight. A few first reactions:

- The town is really cute and quaint. It has a small little main street with all sorts of historic store fronts. Apparently Coromandel Town was originally a gold mining town.

- New Zealand is very green and lush and it seems almost tropical. Very beautiful! (I'll try to get pics up soon.)

- I think staying here is going to be like being at summer camp - an experience I never had as a child so no better time than now! I'm staying in a bunk house, on bunk beds, in a room that I will eventually share with 3 other girls. Definitely not my style but Sydney was a good warm-up to having room mates so I think it will be easier than jumping right in here from living by myself in MPLS.

I made some videos on the way here but I'm apparently not allowed to download (and likely upload) anything on the internet because it's super expensive. I've decided to go ahead and upload one video anyways but I'm going to chat with them tomorrow about this and see what they say. I'm happy to pay as long as it's a nominal fee. Otherwise I'll be trekking into town on a regular basis to use the free WiFi at another cafe.

Here's a link to the video I made in the Auckland airport at 2:30 am, all part of documenting my trip here.

That's all for now. I'm still very tired, I'll write more tomorrow.



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