Saturday, December 28, 2013


Yesterday I had a very terrible mold incident. For those of you who've ever seen me outside of work, you've probably see me wear my cowboy boots at one time or another. I've had the boots for about 4 years, since I first stole them from my mother's closet, and have worn them regularly ever since. Over the summer I noticed the leather on the toe had started to crack - I'd never conditioned them in my life, I didn't know this was something you needed to do. I started conditioning them and decided I'd just see how they hold up since I love them and they're been everywhere with me. I brought them with me on my world tour as well and have worn them maybe times since leaving the States. Not only are they my favorite pair of shoes, but they are all also a great symbol of my American-ness. Yesterday night Phoebe and I were getting ready to go out in town and I went to pick up my boots to put on to wear out. I've been storing them under my bunk bed in the bunk house, sitting on concrete floors. Maybe some of you know where this is going already, but I had no idea. I took them out to put them on and the whole foot part of the boot was soaking wet. I had no idea what was going on since I hadn't worn them in a week so I picked them up to smell them to try and see what had been spilled on them. When I picked them up I saw the bottom of the sole and it was covered in fuzzy white mold. It was so gross. I picked up the other boot and same thing, except this one had a whole in the bottom where the mold had eaten away at the leather sole. It was so disgusting! I rubbed all the mold off the bottom but took them to wear anyways because I'd already decided on my outfit. As they dried during the course of the night they turned all white on the foot of the boot with mold. I ended up buying a new pair just now which will ship to my parents then have to get shipped to me here. Thank god they still make the same boots! It was not my plan to have to incur this expense during my travels but the ones I have have been well worn and I know another pair will be as well.

Moral of the story: If you are in New Zealand, don't put any leather sole shoes on a concrete floor. They will mold!

That's all on that story.

As for last night, Phoebe and I had a great time. We met all sorts of people, from Australia, New Zealand and Ireland as well as saw some of our other backpacker friends from town. Tonight we are heading out again. There is a "big" concert at the bottom pub, Admiral Arms. Sons of Zion is performing - a reggae band - and it's supposed to be good. We may go to a neighboring bar and try to listen to the music without the $30 cover. Either way, I think we're all going out and we'll get to see all of our friends. Yay!


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