Sunday, December 22, 2013

Stopover in Singapore?

Sunday, December 22, 2013 - 10:15 pm

I just started re-looking at tickets to Bangalore and Singapore Airlines is coming up as the cheapest option for Auckland at just under $800 USD. Plus, you only have one layover in Singapore - and you don't have to travel through Australia which most other airlines require. Patricia, a Canadian woman working at the cafe with me, has flown Singapore Airlines before and said it is the nicest airline she has ever flown. Plus, she also said the Singapore airport is amazing. I can take a flight with a 13 hour layover in Singapore where I guess there are free movie theaters, free liquor tastings, and other great things. I'm also considering taking a stopover in Singapore and staying at a hotel for a few days and exploring the area. I might not get back to Asia for a while so this might not be a bad plan. It's a bit pricey when you're traveling by yourself as you have to cover all the costs for rooms as one person but the airline handles everything for you and even provides transport back to the airport for your outbound flight. Pretty nice! Once I finalize a date for my departure then I'll look into this a bit more seriously.

Now I think that's actually it for tonight.


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