Monday, December 16, 2013


Monday, December 16, 2013 5:00 pm

So today I didn't do much. I walked into town this morning to pick up some toiletries - shampoo, conditioner, body wash, sunscreen, aloe vera, nail clippers - and visit the information center. I got a few good ideas on places to go. There is one nice beach here in town. I also got a recommendation on a sailing trip to take so I'm sure I'll do that one day while I'm here. It's $55 for 1/2 a day and $115 for a full day. Those prices are considering you are in a group but hopefully someone else's group will let me tag along.

Random: Phoebe showed up yesterday so now our bunk house is 3/4 of the way full. Turns out she's not American but rather from Toronto. Maybe Alana, the other girl who is coming, is from America? She arrives on Wednesday or Thursday so we'll know then.

Something from yesterday - the bartender at the Star and Garter yesterday was a nice girl from Canada. He name is Karen. Maybe I've made my first friend here outside of the Driving Creek Cafe? She in town for another month so hopefully I'll run into her again.

Back to today. This afternoon I worked from 12 - 4. Not bad, eh? I took over the dish room as my territory. I was washing dishes most of my shift - which really isn't all that bad. I got a good system down and kept up with the dished pretty well all day. We had a slump in the middle of my shift so then I got some other cleaning done around the dish room - scrubbed the floor, swept the floor, cleaned up in general. I think I wouldn't mind keeping this area organized while I'm here. Although I don't want to be the dishwasher, it gets really confusing when different people keep washing the dished all day - each person has their own system, we all think we know the best way to do things, and the systems don't work well together. I guess I don't really care if it's me or someone else doing the dishes I just feel like it should be one person and one person only. Things get too complicated when too many people keep switching out on dish duty.

That's all for now. I started Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone today - the first Harry Potter for those of you who are like me and aren't big Harry Potter fans. I'm excited to read it this time around. As I've gotten older I've gotten more into fantasy books like this. Plus I have so much time on my hands here it's crazy. I have the next two days off though and I'm hoping to spend at least one day at the beach and maybe the other day in town? But the town is quite small and I could probably go into every shop and look over most things in 4 hours or so. I guess we'll just see what the weather is like and what I feel like doing each day.

The walk into and out of town is already starting to get old and I've only done it 3 times round trip. It's 30 minutes each way and fairly boring. Plus, when it's sunny there really isn't any cover at all on the walk so you get very hot very quickly. I've got to make sure I wear nice breathable clothes when I do the walk in the future.

Okay, that's really it for now.


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