Monday, December 30, 2013

Nothing Much to Say....

Monday, December 30th, 2013 - 5:30 pm

Nothing really has happened in the last couple of days but I don't want to get out of the habit of blogging so here goes a post about very little...

Last night Alanna and I went into town just to get away from the Cafe. Alice's brother was arriving yesterday as well and Alice had to work at night so we invited him out with us. His name is Paul and he's staying in Coromandel Town here for a week. He's 20 and on a little tour around New Zealand. He had made a friend since arriving here, Peter, a kiwi, who is walking around the world. Pretty cool. I haven't worked out completely how he's managing that with the oceans and all, but that's quite an amazing goal. Henry, Lars, and Alice met us three out later and we had a good time in town.

Today Phoebe and I were off work so we went to a small beach just down the road from here, Golden Bay. We had a bit of a hard time getting rides in both directions - no one want to pick us up on the way there, on the way back there were hardly any cars going in the direction we needed to go. Eventually, however, a nice Kiwi family picked us up. They really went out of their way to give us a ride, moving car seats and themselves around to find room for us. It was very nice of them. Since Alanna and I were up late last night I've also been napping today - interspersed with reading HP #5. I finished the third book and Saturday and don't have the fourth book yet so I've just skipped ahead to #5. Obviously there's lots I'm missing but I've gotten into the story of this book okay.

I really think that's all for now.

Lars and I are likely going to hitch over to New Chums beach tomorrow. Lars hasn't been there yet and we're both free during the day so it'll be fun. And I guess tomorrow is NYE so we need to figure out what we're doing! Yikes! We really need to get our act together!! Okay, now I've gotta run and figure out what my New Years plans are!



Wait, something else I'd like to remember for later.... yesterday at work we were slammed! At one point I was making smoothies straight for like 1 hour. I probably made like 25 smoothies and juices. It was crazy but fun. I was also back in the dish room doing dishes later and two glasses fell and broke everywhere. That was really fun! - Not! But we eventually got it cleaned up. That's finally all.

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