Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Birthday Breakfast

Today I didn't start work at the cafe until noon so Shelley and I went out for breakfast in town where we celebrated my birthday. It was a beautiful morning and we went to Umu cafe where we sat out on their front patio and ate. We both had the umu breakfast - eggs, bacon, sausage, tomatoes, and garlic bread. It was delicious! After we went and stopped in at one of Shelley's friend's houses for coffee and conversation. It was really nice and relaxing morning. Sitting at Umu for breakfast made me feel like I'm on vacation for the first time in a long time. Although we weren't on the beach, the weather felt just like it does when you're in Mexico at a restaurant in the sand waiting for your breakfast to come. Plus, after my job at the cafe and my job at the bar, there is nothing better then having someone else serve me my meal, clear the plates, and then wash them. I never really appreciated all that until now, and how nice it is!

I didn't end up working at top pub tonight, they didn't need me. And I was fine with that. I am very tired from working so much, and having so much fun, that having a night off to sit around and read HP was just fine with me. Patricia (Canada) made up pizza dough as well so we all had our own personal homemade pizzas for dinner. It was a great night. Tomorrow I work the opening shift, 8:30 - 1:30, and them I'm off until Thursday morning. I haven't made any concrete plans yet for the my days off but maybe some sun at the beach, maybe some kayaking, maybe a hike or two. I can't imagine it'll be as exciting as last week but I'm okay with a relaxing few days.

Okay, off to bed now.


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