Saturday, February 15, 2014

PIg-less Hunt, Poker Run, Last day at Top Pub

It's really late, 12:45 in the morning, but I want to write a quick post before bed. I will elaborate tomorrow when I have more time.

I went on the pig hunt this morning with Hunchy. He picked me up at 7am. We didn't get a pig but it was an amazing morning. We spent 3 hours hiking through the bush - even more intense than when we were tracking the kiwi - and got to see the sun rise, drink from a creek, and see lots of amazing plants. As we were walking back to the truck the dogs caught a scent but they weren't able to track it all the way to a pig. Getting a pig would have obviously been a cool experience but being out in the peaceful native bush of NZ on a stunning summer morning was great nonetheless.

We got back from pig hunting a bit after 10am. I relaxed at the cafe for a bit and then went into work at Top Pub for my double. I started at noon and the first hour of my shift was really slow, no one really at work. Then about 1pm the bikes started to roll in and for about 2 hours we were crazy busy. It was super fun, but would have been better if we had a few dedicated bar backs. Anyways, I loved it. I ended at 4 and then went over to the couches in the restaurant (which is closed during the day) to read Harry Potter. I fell asleep and while I was sleeping a few of the guests walked in but whatever, I was so tired I didn't care. I started again at 5:30 and worked until midnight. The night was fun - lots of the regular locals around - and a good steady pace all night. After I got off I had a few drinks - something I've never done before at Top Pub (drink their after work) and it was really nice.

I'm really realizing how much I'm gonna miss that job! It's nice to know that Julianne would probably hire me back at any minutes if I'd like though. I know I can always come back to Coromandel!

Okay, that's all for tonight. My feet hurt really bad, I'm tired, and I have to start work at the cafe in 9 hours and I need my rest,

I'll elaborate on today in tomorrow's post as well as share photos.


Items to look forward to:

Sheep Slaughter - Monday or Tuesday
Date - Monday Night
Coromandel Coastal Walk - Tuesday
Cray-fishing - Wednesday?

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