Friday, February 14, 2014

I'm Really Gonna Miss the Top Pub

Tonight at the Pub we were totally slammed. It was super fun and super fast paced and work just flew by. I was there for just over 5 hours, one of the longer shifts I've had. When things started to slow down, around 9 pm, I got a few minutes to sit back and watch the bar and I realized just how cool of a place it really is there. It's like Cheers (or at least I imagine it is - I've never actually seen Cheers). Everyone knows each other, they all have their own little friend groups but they're all really friendly with each other. All of the local fill a little niche in the bar scene and together they make for quite a cool crowd. Although I'm not much of a drinker, I've always thought it would be cool to have a bar that I can call "my bar" - where I go on a regular basis, where the staff knows me well, where I know the other patrons. That is exactly what Top Pub is and I love working there. I'm really going to miss it once I'm gone. Plus all the ladies I work with are really cool. Tonight when I got to work my boss gave me a present as well since this is my last weekend. She gave me a really cute bracelet and it even had some heart charms on it. Although I think it was just an accident I am going to pretend like it was on purpose for Valentine's Day.

Earlier today, before work at Top Pub and after my work at the cafe, I spent the afternoon trying to plot my next month - 2 months of traveling before I get to Queenstown. Although nothing is set in stone at all, I've started to look into prices and dates and hours and etc. for all of the activities I want to do in hopes of avoiding any wasted days where I go somewhere to do something and that thing is closed for that day. It looks like I'm going to need a lot of time to do what I want to do. But it also looks like I might not buy a car and just take the bus around. As of today what I'd like to do is use Auckland as a home base for the next month and take trips around the North Island going to all the places I'd like to see either by bus and/or hitching. Once I get the North Island done, I'm going to take the train to Wellington (the South tip of the North Island) and then spend a few days that. After that I'm either going to take the ferry across, take the train to Christchurch and then fly to Queenstown <or> fly from Wellington to Queenstown straight away. Obviously none of this will work as planned but I always like having a goal to work towards, it gives me motivation to keep moving.

And everything for Auckland is working out very well. The family I will be staying with has offered me an amazing amount of support - as a home base and place to leave my stuff, help with buying a car if needed, they've offered their 20 something children as friends for me while I'm there, they're going to pick me up at the ferry when I arrive - I really couldn't be luckier! And everything is also working out well with the dairy farm.

Okay, I've got to go to bed now as I have to be up in 7 hours for the pig hunt and then have a full day of work tomorrow at Top Pub with the Poker Fun (Harley-Davidson ride).

I hope all is well back home.

A toast to my grandmother who would have turned 90 yesterday - February 13th.



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