Saturday, February 8, 2014

A late night at the Top Pub

It's about 1:40 am on Sunday Morning right now and I just got home. I worked tonight from 6:00 - 8:45 and then was hanging at Top Pub with my fellow WWOOFers. It wasn't that busy so they let me go early. Little did they know, however, that everything was about to change. I was sitting around eating dinner and hanging with the girls while they had a few drinks when they asked me to jump behind the bar to help out. People had just started streaming in the door, large groups of people. Many were cute guys too so it wasn't all that bad for us :) I jumped behind the bar to help get them ahead on drinks and glasses and next thing I know the WWOOFer girls were leaving because it was getting late, maybe 11:30 pm. It wasn't really slowing down so I kept making drinks and clearing glasses and all of a sudden it was 1:00 am. I haven't yet had more fun at work than I did on my "second" shift tonight. The customers were all really fun, minus one really drunk guy, and the flow was fast paced. People were playing good music on the jute box and I was able to keep myself really busy. The crowd was mostly all young people as well so that's always a plus. There was a stag (bachelor) party and they were all happy to be out and good entertainment for us bartenders.

In other news, there apparently were some local kids that got a bit crazy tonight and smashed a bunch of windows downtown. We drove by before the ladies dropped me off tonight and we saw broken windows at one of the convenience stores as well as at the post office/bank. Its really too bad when people get out of hand like that.

Anyways, that's all for tonight.

I'm all wound up from working but need to calm down a bit so I might do a bit of reading from The Fellowship of the Ring which I'm working on right now and then play a few games of Solitaire on my phone and then go to sleep.


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