Monday, February 10, 2014

Farewell to My Friends

Let me start by giving a shout out to Alanna, Phoebe, and Patricia. I will always remember you ladies. What a wonderful summer of 2013/2014!!! Y'all are the best!

Yesterday was Phoebe, Alanna, and Patricia's last day the cafe. They left this morning for the rest of their own respective journeys. Patricia and Phoebe are going to the Northland to do a house sitting WWOOFing job for 3 weeks. Alanna is going to Auckland and then down to the glowworm caves at Waitomo and then to Queenstown. I'm very excited to see where their journeys take them but I was very sad to see them go. After embarking on this journey alone and then making some real friends it's hard to be back on my own again. When I left the states I was prepared for traveling by myself. Now that I've been with some cool people for two months and really gotten to know them and be comfortable around them, it's sad to be on my own again. I think it was also very hard since they all left together. Although they've already dropped Alanna off and are splitting up themselves, I was sad to know they were going off together. If they would've left one by one it wouldn't have been so bad but together I'm just quite sad. I never thought I'd enjoy living with 3 other girls but I really had a blast around them for 2 months. And I just can't believe it's over already. What a fun summer we had together. I just hope I get to see them all again (one on one or all together) before I leave New Zealand. Queenstown, ladies?

Here's a last photo we took together. We were trying out the new look - relaxing all the mussels in your face. Here's what we got. It could be an album cover, couldn't it?

Best WWOOFing crew ever! Love you ladies! I'll never forget you. Mostly because of them memories but also because we got a tattoo together...

Anyways, enough of that sadness. The new WWOOFers have arrived and they all seem quite nice. We have Marga from Germany, Anna from England, and Anja from Switzerland. Looks like Anja and I will be together int he bunk house, Anna has taken over Patricia's spot in the Caravan, and Marga has moved into Phoebe's garden shed. They're settling in quite nicely. I've started to train them all in the cafe. By the time I leave this place will be running like a well oiled machine ;)

Last night, to celebrate the girl's last night here in Coromandel, we had a big party at the cafe. Everyone who works here from town was there as well as many of the friends we've made while we've been here. We were up until all hours of the night dancing and singing and having a great time. It was such a wonderful time together. Plus, as many of you know, I'm not much of a dancer but I tried out some new dance moves last night and had a great time! I told the ladies we should all meet back up in Queenstown for a dance party, I just hope they show up!

Here's some photos from last night:

Found this one on my camera of Melody (NZ - barista) and Lee (NZ - Alex's girlfriend).

Mel and Lee again.


Alex (NZ - barista), Mel (NZ), and Katie (England, but lives in Coromandel Town - cook).

Patricia (Canada), Sandy (NZ - chef), Alex.

Lee and Phoebe (England).

Alanna (Canada) and Tim (NZ - Mel's boyfriend's brother)


Alanna and Katie dancing.

More of Katie and Alanna.

The party was super fun - everyone was pretty hung over this morning (not me, I only had one drink) - it's sad to think we'll never be back together again.

Let's think what else....

Oh I took a few photos the other day while we were working. Here they are:

And here's a video in the dish room. The sound might be off a bit on this video - sometimes that just happens - sorry!

I'm trying to think what else....

Motorcycle rally in town this weekend so I'm going to be very busy with doubles at Top Pub Friday and Saturday as well as work at the cafe on Friday morning and pig hunting Saturday morning. I need to catch up on my sleep the next few nights.

I might finally go kayaking Cathedral Cove tomorrow. The weather's supposed to be nice. If it's sunny when I get up in the morning I'm going to get a ride to Whitianga with Michael, the delivery guy, and then do the kayak tour.

I went "shopping" today at the neighbor's house. Piet, a neighbor of the cafe, has WWOOFers at his place and they tend to leave clothes behind. He let me pick up some jeans and a few tops to use when I go pig hunting and then again at the dairy farm that I'm going to. He also gave me a pair of gum boots that he never uses. This is all great, except that I don't have any room in my suitcase and I'm accumulating so much stuff. I might have to buy another bag or something!

I think that's all for now. I'm listening to Lorde's new album now, recommended by Heydon, an Aucklander who gave me a ride the other day back from Thames.

That's it. 

Oh and I'll be starting HP # 7 tonight. Can't wait to get this series over with. I'm still upset that Dumbledore is dead. 

One last and final thing, my parents were in Mexico last week. My dad had a guy on the beach do the southern cross tattoo on his thumb in henna to match the one I just got one with the ladies from the cafe. It's not exactly the same but pretty close. Here's a screen shot from our Skype session this morning:


P.S. I'm adding this a few hours after the original post. Yesterday I had a man come up to the counter and order and I could here his North American accent right away. Whenever I hear that accent I always have to ask people where they're from because I just love knowing that Americans are out seeing the world! Anyways, when I asked where he was from he replied "Minnesota" to which I said "No way! I'm from Minnesota!". We continued narrowing down where we were both from, down to the cross street and it turns out he and his wife both grew up in south Minneapolis about 10 blocks from where I grew up. It is such a crazy small world - I really can't believe it! They moved to Auckland for his work back in October and are heading back to the states in May. Couldn't ask for a better time to be in the South Hemisphere I don't think. He works for Valspar which just bought an Australian company and he is working at that company's office in Auckland. He told me some sad news, however, that the Valspar building off Washington Ave. has been totally re-done and is no longer the bright fun building that it was. He said they're doing a big remodel and such, which obviously sounds exciting, but I just can't believe they changed that. It's such as landmark building, everyone knows the Valspar building. I didn't know what they sold until maybe last year but I always knew who they were - I just thought they were like a record label or something. 

Anyways, that's finally it for today. If I think of anything else to write it's going in my blog post tomorrow!

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