Wednesday, February 19, 2014

An Orphaned Baby Bird

Today was my last full day in Coromandel Town. I leave tomorrow at 3 pm on the ferry for Auckland where I will be staying for 8 days with a woman from Edina, Mimi, and her family. As it was my last day and it was raining I spent the day trying to pack my stuff up. I organized most of it but didn't actually get it packed as I had to wash some of my clothes and they are still drying on the clothes line. Tomorrow I will really get down to business. Somehow I feel like I have less clothes than when I started but I don't have any idea of what might be missing. I have acquired a lot of new clothes - I got more warm weather clothes today from Elli who is heading to Asia where it's hot - while I was hear but hope that I can find someplace to pack them. I am only going on the ferry, not on a plane, so it's not all that important that I do a fantastic job packing, but I don't want to be trying to manage 8 bags of stuff on the ferry. I just hope they let me on with my suitcase, purse, backpack, and beach bag.

Anyways, after getting my stuff organized and partially packed I spent the afternoon in town having coffee with Elli and visiting with Sandy. This evening I just hung around the cafe with Anna. She went out to her shed at one point to get something and found a baby bird that had fallen out of it's nest lying on the ground. It can't fly and was clearly very hungry. We picked it up and took it to the neighbor, Piet, house. He runs a sanctuary area near here and we though he might know what to do with it. We ended up leaving it int he sanctuary hoping that it'll be able to find something to eat on it's own. It kept opening it's little beak waiting for it's mother to drop some food in so I'm not so confident it will be able to feed itself. I'm going to go check on it in the morning. Here's a few photos:

Tiny little bird! And check out my new top I got from Elli today! 

That's all for today. Big move tomorrow!


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