Friday, February 7, 2014

Rain Rain Go Away!

Nothing too much to report today. It rained all day. Not too heavy but steady. It started before we got up and its 10pm not and it hasn't stopped. It's kinda nice to have a rainy day but I'm just frightened about the cockroaches. I'm in the bunk house now and it doesn't look like we have any but I know the rain drives them in. Yuck! I just sprayed the door now but tomorrow we'll have to spray some more when we get up just to make sure.

I have confirmed pig hunting for new Saturday so wait for that! I believe I am going with Hunchy but if that falls through I will be going with Steve, the guy that delivered the mussel seed the day I went on the barge. Here's a photo if you don't remember:

I was speaking with Steve's hunting partner who warned me that the hunting can be gruesome. They use dogs to track the pigs and when the dogs get onto a pig it can be bad news for the pig and the dogs. He said most women he takes out start freaking out when they see the dogs and the pig so I'm glad I'm well warned. I'll try not to do that now, if we get it a pig. With that, please send me positive vibes for catching a pig. With hunting a wild animal you're obviously not guaranteed a catch. I really do hope we get a pig, though, because it just wouldn't be the full experience without one. 

The girls at the bar were telling me if we do get a pig we have to carry it out of the forest then. She then made some motion like we'll carry it on our backs. Do you think that's where the term piggy back ride come from? 

In other exciting upcoming news, it looks like I will for sure be going to a dairy farm here in NZ. Expect some good photos and videos from their as well.

And lastly, a few new photos. Yesterday Phoebe (England) and I were taking pics while we relaxed all the mussels in our face. This is not an easy thing to do, I'll challenge you to try relaxing all the mussels in your face. Here's what we got:

Obviously we don't have enough to do at work.... In which case it was Phoebe's last working day today. She has the next two days off and then leaves on Monday along with Alanna and Patricia. Two new girls come on Sunday and one new girl on Monday who I'll be spending one week with before I leave as well.

Lastly, I've started LOTR, The Fellowship of the Ring today. I was going to go to the library to get the seventh Harry Potter but it was raining. I'll stop in and get it one day this week.

Okay, that's all for today folks.


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