Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Lot to Catch up On!

Sorry for not posting yesterday - it just totally slipped my mind. And I realized I have a lot to catch up on - from Saturday, Sunday, and Monday so let's get down to business.

So Saturday I did the pig hunt and we didn't catch any pigs as you know. The hunt was really great though with the amazing views of the area, the sea, the hills, the bush, etc... If I come back to Coromandel I'll definitely go pig hunting again, and hopefully get a pig, but I was happy for the experience none the less. Here's a few photos:

The guy's land we were hunting on, Bernie, has beef cattle on his property. At one point during the hunt we got between a mom and her baby. I was very nervous she was going to charge me or something but in the end she didn't. I'm just happy it was a cow mom and baby and not a bear mom and baby, I probably wouldn't be coming home from NZ then. 

The sun is rising over the hills just outside this photo on the right.


One of the dogs.

Hunchy pointing to where the dogs were catching a scent.

A pig track. It was a few days old so not helpful for our hunting purposes on Saturday morning.

While we were out there we walked over a stream of crystal clear, fresh water and I drank some of it right out of the stream. I've never drank stream water before but this stuff tasted very good. You could bottle it and sell it as New Zealand water and probably make a fortune!

After the pig hunt I worked at Top Pub all day, from 12 noon until midnight. The bikers were in in the afternoon. We were super busy for tup pub but after being at Sturgis, 200 bikes is no big deal. After working the crazy poker run shift, however, I think I'd enjoying bar tending at a night club or super busy bar where when you're done you're exhausted but where work just flies by! Maybe in Queenstown I'll be lucky enough to get a job like that. I'd also prefer to work somewhere where there are bar backs doing the restocking and such. It got a bit difficult at top pub during the poker run because there wasn't anyone to restock the bottle and glasses as we ran out and we were so busy at the bar we couldn't really afford to have a bar tender doing that work. Either way, it all worked out good in the end.

Later on Saturday evening Terry Ann had we try on some of her lip color. I thought it might've been like lip stick but it was more like lip stain. My lips were bright red for the entire evening. It was pretty funny since all the locals were asking me if I had some big plans for after work or something because of all the make-up I had on. At the end of then night I had Terri Ann take a photo of me behind the bar so I can always remember what it was like working there. Here's a photo:

Check out the crazy red lips!

That was all for Saturday, now onto Sunday.

I worked Sunday day and then after work Anna and I went to Long Bay for a swim. We got a ride down with a guy named Greg, a local. We then went for a swim and after we got out of the water, and as we were on our way to the bathrooms to get changed, who showed up? Greg! He told us that it was a coincidence that he was there and was wondering if we wanted to come over to watch a movie at his place. He lives about a 5 minute walk from our place. Anna and I decided that maybe going for a drink with him in town was better than going to his place for a movie but he didn't want to do that so we went our separate ways. On the ride into town, however, he told us about 15 times how it was a total coincidence that he ran into us at long bay which the more he told up that the less I believed it. There's no reason you would accidentally end up at long bay since it's at the end of a dead end road. We're not sure where he came from when he pulled up to give us a ride back but now we know not to take rides from Greg anymore.

When he dropped us off in town we went and had a drink at the middle pub and then headed back to the cafe and watched a move, I Am. It's a documentary about what is wrong with the world and what we can do to fix it. They interview lots of famous people in the movie, like Noam Chomsky, and it's really cool to hear from all of them. We both really enjoyed it, I would highly recommend it. You can stream it on Netflix for those of you who have that.


I went on my date yesterday evening with a local guy, Johno. He took me over to Whitianga for dinner. He had a really nice date planned. We took the ferry across to the Cooks beach where he had a cab waiting to take us to a tapas restaurant. We had Venison Heart and Ostrich Fillet. The heart was not bad but the Ostrich Fillet was amazing!! It was so tender and just melted in your mouth. It was cooked pretty rare, which is how I like my meat, so if you ever get it, get it rare or medium rare, but definitely try it if you have the opportunity. All in all it was good fun. I'm leaving on Thursday so that's it for that one but it was a good.

Okay, I have to go now as Elli is coming to pick me up in about 20 minutes and I don't want to be late.


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