Monday, February 24, 2014

Getting everything sorted to drive in NZ.

This morning I went and got all the important things figured out for my new car so I'm all good to drive on the road - insurance, roadside assistance, transfer or ownership, diesel fuel, mechanic's appointment, cool new keychain. I went to AA (which is the same as AAA in America) and got the ownership of my car transfer for $9 (plus a $0.13 service charge to use my VISA), I purchased Third Party, Fire and Theft insurance plus Glass coverage for about $33.00/month, and I got full roadside assistance for $108.00/year. I was not sure about the glass coverage or getting the full coverage roadside assistance (vs. partial coverage) but I'm glad I did. Now I feel no fear at driving down any back country gravel road - they will tow me out, change my flat tire, replace my cracked windshield, jump my car in the winter, and if I'm really in the middle of no where and can't get my car fixed quickly, they'll put me up in a motel plus get me a rental in the mean time. I want to say hopefully I'll never use it, but now that I've paid for it I wouldn't mind - as long as it's not all that terribly inconvenient. After I got this stuff sorted I went to Terry and Mimi's mechanic to see about getting a few minor things looked at on the car that I learned about in my pre-purchase inspection. I'm bringing my car in tomorrow morning, hopefully he won't find anything else and my bill shouldn't be too much more than $100. I also went and got diesel fuel for the first time. I went to a gas station chain called "Z". They have people who assist at the pump which is exactly what I needed. He showed me how to do the diesel fuel and how the pumps work here in NZ. It's not that different but I am glad I had someone show me the ropes. When I went in to pay for my fuel the guy working offered to buy my car for $1900. I told him I have trouble selling it I'll come back and when I'm done with it and let him buy it. I'm hoping I can turn a profit it on it, however. Terry thinks the new tires alone on the car are worth about $1000.

Anyways, enough about the car. After I got all that sorted, I went for a drive around the city. I took the motorway multiple times, went through countless traffic circles, drove through the CBD - basically, I got a lot of practice driving today and it's really not as hard as I thought it would be. Being on the other side of the car and on the other side of the road really isn't that confusing. I think your brain figures it out pretty quickly. Obviously I'm still putting a lot more effort into driving than I do in the states as I have to keep thinking about where to go when I turn and where to look for other vehicles, but I haven't had any close calls yet. Fingers crossed!

One weird thing about NZ roads is that you don't have to stop at all the crosswalks, only the ones with Zebra stripes. All other crosswalks, even marked crosswalks, you do not have to stop for pedestrians. This is a really weird thing for me but I try not to stop as Terry said I would cause more of a problem (as other drivers wouldn't be expecting me to stop and could hit me) if I stop than if I don't. It's just weird when a mom is waiting on the side of the road with here young child or baby and you don't stop even though you know she wants to cross the road.

This afternoon I went to the beach for a bit to go for a swim and soak up some rays. It was a bit hard finding a parking spot as my truck is pretty big - it has a hitch sticking out the front of the truck and the spare tire on the back. I can't fit into small spots I'm just too long. I also am not confident to try parallel parking my big truck yet either. I did eventually find a spot though and got some good time in the sun.

Just now I bought a fancy new key chain for my car key as I didn't have any key chains (or keys) with me at all. Here's a photo:

Pretty fancy, isn't it? I got a dice because I'm taking a gamble with this whole trip - and because it was the only cool one they had at the store I went to.

Anyways, with my new car I feel like I'm 16 again. I just want to spend all day cruising around town with the windows down and the music up in my truck. I wish y'all were here, I'd take each of you for a ride in my great new vehicle!

In non-car news, I have a job offer here in Auckland. Terry owns a produce company that delivers to restaurants and bars around the city. One of the owner who he was telling me about on my first day in Auckland and who's establishment we visited the other day told Terry today that he'd give me a job. I wasn't planning on staying in Auckland long but today I was thinking how a job wouldn't be bad now that I have the expensive car. I think I'll go in and talk to the owner, Doug, tomorrow. If he wouldn't mind employing me for just a short time then maybe I'll hang in Auckland for a month or so before moving on South. I can always do some of the North Island things next spring.

I can't believe how long this trip is getting! I really just don't want to leave NZ now that I've got this truck. I'm gonna have to get a similar one when I get back to the states.

Okay, that's all for today. Chat later!


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