Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Looking for a Place to Live

Today I have been spending a lot of time looking for a room to rent now that I'm going to be staying in Auckland. I can stay here with Terry and Mimi until I get something settled but two of their children are moving back home this weekend so it'll be a full house and I don't want to stick around and impose. I have sent out lots of e-mails and toured one place today and hopefully something can get sorted by the end of the weekend. I'm trying not to be too picky but would really like to keep my rent under $200/week as that would give me adequate funds to pay for petrol, travel the north island, and put some money away in my savings account. (Crazy I'm thinking about saving while I'm traveling, isn't it?) Anyways, I'll keep you all posted on how the room hunt goes.

I also spent today hanging with Alanna. Her bus to her silent meditation retreat didn't leave until 4 today so we had all day to hang out together. I picked her up about 10:30 am and we went shopping for a few hours as I need some more jeans to wear to my new job. After that we went up to Mt. Eden to see the city. I was up their last week with Rosie but Alanna hadn't been up their yet. We then went for lunch at a Jordanian place we found on New North Road called Petra Shawarma. Since neither of us had ever had Jordanian food we thought it would be a good thing to try. We sat there for a few hours chatting and think we may do SE Asia together next year. Of course plans are always changing but it gives us both something to work towards/look forward to.

In job news, I start tomorrow!!! Crazy! I am working tomorrow and Friday 12-8. It's exciting but a little nerve racking. I think it'll be great to get a few practice shifts under my belt this week before I start in full time next week. After these two shifts Doug and I will then decide on job description and schedule for the coming weeks/months. I am very happy that I have been blessed with this opportunity and I think it's gonna be really fun. Maybe I'll even get another motorcycle ride or two out of the deal!

In driving news, I have really started to get this whole driving on the opposite side of the road thing down. Not that hard after all. One thing that is starting to trip me up, however, is my left and right when I'm driving. For instance, I'm so used to exiting on the right not the left. The other day Terry told me to stay to my left to exit but when I got on the highway I was thinking "stay left to exit" and then moved over into the right lane. I'm just so used to the directions correlating with certain actions/speeds/types of turns that it's hard for me to disassociate that. I can drive fine and get to exit with no problem, until I start thinking about directions (L/R) in terms of those actions, then I get all confused. But I'm still accident free!

That's all for today. Time for bed so I can rest up for tomorrow.


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