Monday, February 3, 2014

A Vacation from my Vacation

I really need a vacation from my vacation. I'm totally over washing dishes and cleaning here at the cafe. I do still enjoy my top pub job but I've been working a lot and I'm quite tired. I'm sick of sleeping in a twin sized bunk bed. I would like a nice relaxing couch to lay on in a space of my own - not a cafe where I can't ever really relax. I just want a nice big queen sized bed to lay in all day with a big down comforter where I don't have to worry about cockroaches. I'm just getting very tired of my current situation!

On that note, something rather funny happened today at the cafe. So I'm scheduled to be here through Feb. 19th but my last day of work is the 17th. I am thinking about possibly staying in town for two weeks after that as I may have a few opportunities to make some good cash but we'll see. I do not, however, want to stay at the cafe any longer than I'm already committed. I had told Shelley that I was possibly looking for a place to stay and she found me one almost instantly at $120/week - not a bad deal. The woman who's place it is, Cherrie, came into the cafe today. I'd never met her before and actually didn't even know who she was. I was called up to the counter by my co-workers to talk to a customer. The woman asked me if I was Annabelle to which I obviously responded "Yes." She then told me she was there to talk to me about the accommodation I was looking for. Thank god only one of my co-workers over heard this, and the one who's probably least likely to care, because if my boss would've heard it might not have gone over so well since I'm staying at the cafe and working for room and board. I'm just worried they'd be offended that I want to stay in town but not at their cafe. Either way, I may have found somewhere else to stay if I can get my jobs to work out.

Staying on the accommodation note, I have some photos to share of where I'm living, and other things, that I don't think I've put on my blog before, although they aren't necessarily new. Here we go:

Our bunk house. My bed is on the left, where the towel is hanging. Alanna sleeps in the bunk of the right. We both sleep on the bottom and the top is empty. There are two new girls coming on Sunday and I'm they're gonna have to stay with us, at least for the night. I'm not very happy since I use my top bunk for storage and I refuse to put anything on the ground after my boots molded. Gross!

Beautiful palm!

Look at that cute Sheep :)

A beautiful dahlia.

Teriyaki on the prowl.

Teriyaki sleeping under the dish sink. Every once in a while Teriyaki will curl up under the dish sink. I just love when she's down there because then at least you're not alone in the dish room. She only sits there occasionally though and you can't force her to sit there, she just won't have it. It's my favorite time to be in the dish room though and I'm just so happy I got a photo of it at least once. 

Phoebe's obviously accurate portrait of me drawn on the chalk board where we write what needs to be ordered for the next day. Apparently it's me, napkins, and butter.

The fog on the Whangapoa hill one day. Isn't it cool?

That's all for today. Tomorrow I think I might try to go down the 309 road and see the wild pigs and the Kauri trees and hike castle rock. It obviously depends on the weather and how I feel tomorrow but I'd like to get out, away from the cafe, and do something with my days off again. I won't be able to top last week but I can try :)


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