Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Coromandel Coastal Walk

Today Elli (Germany) and I did the Coromandel Coastal Walk. The walk is at the top of the Coromandel Peninsula and connects Fletchers Bay and Stony Bay. The track is 7 hours return but we just walked one way, from Fletcher's Bay to Stony Bay. It took us about 3 hours to do the walk one way. Elli's wonderful boyfriend, Marcus (Sweden), drove us to the start of the track and then picked us up later at the end of the track. During out walk we went through all different kinds of environments. It starts in farm land, then you walk along the coast, then you start walking through the jungle-like bush and then back to coast and back again to jungle. It's a really amazing walk! Here are some photos:

Looking down towards the start at Fletcher's Bay

Through the middle of this photo you can see the walking track.

Pretty amazing, isn't it?

A small rocky beach about 1 hour into the hike. You can't swim here as there are rocks under the water and it's too dangerous.

Elli and I with the beautiful coastal views.

The colors in this photo are not enhanced!

Look at that blue water!

Off the right in this photo is Stony Bay, where the walk terminated.

You can see barely see Elli reaching her hand into a small waterfall along the trail.

Overall Elli and I were very happy we had the opportunity to hike this trail. It is not easy to get to without a car and it was good timing the Elli and I were both off on the same day, Marcus had the day off and could drive us, and Elli and Marcus's landlord did not need her car so we could use it. Once again, the start aligning to offer us a cool opportunity. Traveling is really teaching me that what is meant to be will be and what is not won't. 

As I said before, the hike is at the top of the peninsula. It takes about 2 hours to drive there, even though it's only about 40 miles, because it's all winding, twisting, turning gravel roads. On the way up we saw a few farmers moving their calves down the road. Here's a photo:

In non-travel related news, I finished Harry Potter # 7 today so I'm done with the series! I'm happy I read it but I found the ending to be rather confusing. Anja (Switzerland) and I sat around and discussed it for like an hour trying to sort out everything that happened. She finished the series a while ago so was interested to learn what I though. Even after some internet research I was still a bit confused about some aspects of the ending but it's over now and I can move onto LOTR.

That's all for today. Nothing too exciting for tomorrow. I'll likely go to the beach if it's nice and I then spend the rest of my time packing/organizing. I have acquired a lot of stuff since I arrived in Coromandel and need to get rid of some of it now that I need to pack up again. Wish me luck with this please.


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