Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bar Tending Night #1

Nothing too exciting today except that I started my new job. I am now officially a bar tender! Yay!! On my way to working at the Buffalo Chip (where I'll meet Kid Rock and eventually get married to him). It wasn't too hard. I got to meet a lot of the locals - hopefully I'll remember at least a few of their names - and started to learn people's drinks. I'm also learning the prices and I can actually quote people some prices without having to use the register/look at a price list. I guess I'm a pretty fast study. I worked for 4.5 hours so that wasn't too bad. And a girl who lives on my street worked tonight as well so we walked home together after work. The walk home is the only part I'm not liking about the job. I really need to get a car. I guess this job will be extra motivation to get on the ball with that - although I have been working hard I just haven't found anything yet.

One of the gentleman I served tonight is apparently a legend in New Zealand Rubgy history. I'm not sure what his name is - I'll do some more digging - but that's kinda cool, right? There was also another guy in the bar tonight celebrating his birthday so his friends sang us happy birthday and that was cool. Technically I'm not 24 until 3:02 pm on January 23rd CST but it's almost the 24th of January here so I'm saying I'm 24. Actually, I've been saying this for a few weeks just to practice.

Anyways, all in all work was good. I think I'll get some good experience at Top Pub and this will help me get a job in Queenstown.

Oh and I found out how much I'm making as well - $14/hour cash. No tips here in NZ so that's all I'm making but lets say I work 16 hours/week that'll be an extra $224 a week that'll be nice to have, cash in hand. In one month I'll make a grand and can maybe spend a bit more on a car, or spend a few more days traveling South.

Okay, it's almost midnight here and way past my bedtime.



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