Sunday, January 26, 2014

Crazy Busy Day but Nothing Much to Say

Worked both jobs again today. At the cafe we were slammed over the lunch hour and we were understaffed. It was crazy busy!!! We did survive but I was just wiped after work. Thankfully Patricia made me a mini carrot birthday cake with cream cheese frosting so I got to have that as a snack. And it was delicious!

Top pub was pretty slow so I got off early. I did talk to the Avocado Man, Pete, tonight though a I learned a few interesting facts about Avocados:

  • They don't ripen on tree, the don't ripen until you pick them.
  • If you want your avocado to ripen on the tree you'd have to leave it for like 1.5 years.
  • Avocados are in the pear family.

The weather wasn't all that nice today - foggy and somewhat rainy. But this weather made the hills look super cool - you couldn't see the tops because they were in the clouds. I liked to pretend that I was in the foothills of some great mountain range. I will be shortly down on the South Island, but not where I am right now.

That's all for today. Since I'm working doubles every day now I just don't have that much to talk about. Back to just one shift tomorrow so maybe I'll get into something interested after work - oh yeah, I'm getting my tattoo re-inked tomorrow after work.


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