Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rice Balls at the Preschool, Fun in the Sprinkler, and Another Hike on the Harray Track

This morning I went to the local preschool and made rice balls with the children. The activity was being led by the local Japanese woman who had lived here for 25 years now. Here's a few pictures of the kids and I:

Aren't the kids cute?!?!

After my time at the preschool I hung in town for a bit then headed back to the cafe so I could change and do the Harray Track hike again today. I'm going to try and do it 3 times per week. That'll get me in good hiking shaped before I leave here and head to the mountains of the South Island. I counted the stairs today, there's roughly 580 (give or take maybe 20 - I counted twice and didn't get the same number). Alanna and I were hiking together and were going to go to the beach afterwards but we lost each other on the trail and thus never made it to the beach. When we both met up again at the cafe we instead played in the sprinkler, like we were 8 years old again. It was quite fun :)

After very little sleep last night I'm taking it easy tonight. I have a big day tomorrow - I work both jobs - and thus don't want to be tired. I'll probably head to bed early.

That's all for now.


P.S. I finally got my passport back from the Indian Embassy here in New Zealand. I can now travel to India, and can now leave the cafe if/when I want to. 

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