Friday, January 24, 2014

Tending and Tattoos

The scabs have finally come off my entire tattoo and a few of the dots didn't take well, I'm going to get them redone. James, the tattoo artist, warned us that this happens on hand and foot tattoos. Apparently the skin is different on your hands and your feet and the tattoo ink doesn't always stay. The original tattoo was only $20 and I'm guessing the redo will be $20 as well. Not too bad.

I had my second night of bar tending tonight and I made my first (and only) tip - $3.50 NZD. Crazy, isn't it? Can you imagine bar tending for two nights and only making $3.50 in tips total?!?! Either way, I think I'm on my way to being a real bar tender. I'm having lots of fun. It can be a bit hectic but I like that you're always busy at work. Things can get pretty slow at the cafe but they don't slow down all that much at Top Pub so I'm happy to be staying busy. I'm just really happy to have had this opportunity and I'm really hoping this can be the beginning of a (mini) bar tending career for me. Oh - and tonight I got to take the bike to work so I got to bike home from work. This was really nice since it's so dark at night. I hate the idea of walking.

I've also been putting in some good effort on The Hobbit today. I'm really enjoying the book! I have noticed, however, that I tend to read really fast to try and finish books, even when I don't want them to end. For some reason that's just how I read. I would like to start practicing reading slower and then maybe I'll get more of the details and imagery out of the books I read.

So I mentioned a few weeks back that I'm in need of some hobbies. Well, I have come up with a list of the hobbies I know have and am trying to practice them as much as possible. Here they are:

  • blogging. So I obviously blog every day. This isn't always easy but I know that when I break this habit it's really hard to get started again so I do it everyday whether I want to or not.
  • reading. I have been working on good books recently so reading every day hasn't been a struggle.
  • exercising. I have picked up exercising as my newest hobby. I have always really enjoyed being active but usually do this in the way of rollerblading or biking or walking with friend - none of which are accessible to me here in NZ. By reframing how I look at running (something I hated to do in the states) as well as exercise as whole, I have managed to make this a part of my life again on a daily basis. I look at exercise not as a means to any end but as a way to fill my time while spending time outside. I have been hiking through the hills and getting up early to exercise while the sun rises. How amazing! I did the Harray Track this morning actually and met a nice older gentleman, Bill, who I've seen multiple times before but never talked to. He's probably in his 70s and out doing the track every day. If that's not motivation enough for me to do it, I don't know what is.
  • learning. I recently signed up for a Coursera course - Soul Beliefs. It started this week and goes for 13 weeks. I'm hoping I can keep this up with my two jobs and traveling. But since I'm not actually taking it as a college course it doesn't really matter if I miss something. The lectures so far have been interesting and if all I do is listen to them I'll be happy.
As for my future travels, my uncle Jim has connected me with a classmate from his graduating class, Mimi, and she had graciously invited me to stay with her and her husband in Auckland. My uncle and I attended the same high school so it's really cool to be able to see someone from Edina all the way on the other side of the world. There just aren't enough Americans around here. Not that I want to be spending time with Americans, but Americans really need to get down here more. It's just way too beautiful not to see at some point!

Okay, I feel like I have more to write about but nothing is coming to me right now. Hope y'all are staying warm back in MN.


P.S. I just remembered something - an old friend from the U of M sent me an e-mail today. This is what she said: "I was watching random videos on YouTube and a video you posted from NZ popped up. " Isn't that crazy?!?! What's really crazy is that up until like 5 years ago something like that couldn't even happen, where someone you know would just stumble across a random video of you on the internet spending time on the other side of the globe. Technology is just so amazing!

Okay, night for real now.

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