Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My New Profession: Exterminator

Last night Alanna and I got almost no sleep because we were fighting cockroaches for hours in the bunk house. Eventually we gave up and moved to the cafe where we slept on the couches. We killed at least 10 cockroaches last night and then I sprayed some of the entrances to the bunk house. When we went back this morning we found at least 5 more dead cockroaches writhing in pain on the ground. Here's a photo of some of what we cleaned up this morning:

You obviously can't tell in the photo but at least 5 of those guys are still twitching.

I went in this morning and re-sprayed most of the bunk house. I'm hoping we don't find tons of more dead cockroaches today. Obviously I'd prefer them dead to alive but I'm prefer none to some. We'll see what happens. Wish us luck please - or we'll have to relocate permenantly to the cafe.


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