Friday, January 3, 2014

Smashing Roaches and Records.

Friday, January 3, 2014 - 7:15 pm

Last night before going to bed we found a cockroach in our bunkhouse. Well two actually. Alanna was the only one of us brave enough to kill them and she successfully smashed one and smeared its guts all over the wall. I have a photo, here: 

We never did manage to get the other one. I'm just happy it wasn't crawling on my face when I woke up this morning! 

Today, at the cafe, we served the most meals in one day ever. We did 143 meals, beating the last record day by 11. The cafe definitely felt busy and we were all running around but where it really was hard work was in the dish room. As you've seen in my videos, the dish room is rather small and today we had dishes piled everywhere all day. Tomorrow will likely be the same, or worse, being that it's Saturday. At least no body else threw up today - yet! 

Tonight we're having a pizza party and then maybe heading into town for a reggae concert at bottom pub. I'll let you know how it goes and/or take a video or two. 

That's all for now folks.


P.S. I've loved receiving all the emails from friends and family recently. Please keep them coming!!   

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