Thursday, January 30, 2014

Upcoming Adventures

Today was the start of my work week. It runs Thursday - Monday with Tuesday and Wednesday as my weekend. I worked at the cafe this morning, which was really slow, took a nap in the afternoon, got started on Harry Potter #6, and then went to Top Pub this evening. The night at Top Pub didn't start off that great - I just didn't feel like doing anything - but by the time I left at 11:30 the bar was hopping. The usual crowd of older pensoiners left around 9:30 or so and then a bunch of young people came in. Apparently it was one of the busiest Thursdays in a while at Top Pub. I love working on night like that, it's just so much fun to be around a bunch of people that are having so much fun! I think bar tending may be my calling. Well maybe not really but it's just so much fun to be working at a bar with so many people enjoying themselves. This is probably something I could definitely do for a while. 

While I was at work tonight I may have secured myself two good adventures for the next few weeks. Exciting activity #1 - slaughtering a sheep. Hunchy, one of the regulars at the bar and the father of one of my fellow bar tenders (Taylor), apparently had sheep and slaughters them on a semi-regular basis. I asked him about it and he said I was welcome to attend, although he was rather surprised I wanted to see it. I'll likely take a video and I will definitely warm you all when I post it for those of you who don't want to watch it. Exciting activity #2 - scuba diving. A few of the younger guys at the bar, Luke and his friends, said they'd take me out scuba diving one morning if I'm interested. I didn't tell him I'm afraid of fish, I guess this would be a good time to challenge that fear. But I really have to just be game for anything on this trip and a free scuba dive is a great deal so I'll go if I can fit it into my schedule. He was thinking this weekend but I'm working doubles both days. I don't actual start at the cafe until noon on Sunday though so maybe we can go that morning. Fingers crossed that it'll work out!

Now for some reflection on last night - I went over to Gio's about 7pm last night to see if he'd cook up some of our fish from yesterday. I would've taken some home with me but I'm staying at a vegetarian cafe and am not even allowed to keep meat here for myself so I had to store my share at Gio's. When I got there he took me over to his neighbor's house for a quick chat. They have a smoker there and offered me some smoked Snapper, which was quite tasty. They also have sheep there and the wife, Dawn, took me out in the paddock and showed me the sheep. They aren't nearly as friendly as goats - they're actually quite shy - but she has them really well trained. They follow her around the paddock and she can move them form paddock to paddock just by clapping for them to follow her. It's quite amazing. While I was at their place I mentioned to Dawn that I am interested in seeing an oyster farm and she has a connection for me. A friend of hers, Mary, works at The Oyster Company right outside town. She told me to simply go and see Mary and she'll hook me up. I think I'm gonna try to get out there on Saturday and see if Mary can help. Fingers crosse again.

Okay, that's all for today. Another day of working tomorrow, followed by 3 more of the same. Hopefully a few good things will happen in there. I'll obviously keep you posted.


P.S. I met a customer tonight at the bar who is from Raglan, a big surf town here in NZ. He told me if I make it there he'll teach me how to surf. That's a pit stop I'll probably have to take. 

It's amazing how nice people are - opening their hearts and their homes to me as I travel around. Just wonderful! I really hope I have the chance to give back when I'm older and living somewhere where tourists come (probably not MN). 

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